orafo gioielli jewelry goldsmith handmade fattoamano jewels artigianato madeinitaly anello ring gioielliartigianali diamanti milano oreficeria arte artecontemporanea gioiellipersonalizzati instajewelry italy anelli argento ginobondavalli gioielleria jewellery laboratorioorafo maestrodarte oroart sassuolo instacroatia
Venetian goldsmith workshop I was blown away at the old techniques that these two goldsmiths are using everyday as they learned from their family and using their great grandfathers tools. Cuttlefish bone casting, soldering with a flame lamp and brass blowpipe, creating lead rings /signet rings for pressing into the cuttlefish bone for casting. Using old files to make chase and repoussé tools. Just awesome to see!
Their workshop has been going for 120 years and is in the sixth generation of goldsmiths. #handmadejewelry
Vogliamo celebrare il 3 maggio, giornata mondiale della libertà di stampa, ricordando la bellissima recente intervista su Vogue dedicata alla @scuola_orafa_ambrosiana! Grazie a tutti i giornalisti che con professionalità svolgono un mestiere importantissimo per divulgare il pensiero creativo dei maestri orafi e dei jewellery designer! Grazie @vogueitalia @olivaselene @gloriaguerinoni
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