orderofthearrow boyscoutsofamerica boyscouts scouting scouts scoutsbsa eaglescout scout worldscouting weownadventure bsamemes scoutmein seascouts beascout oabsa scoutmeme venturing cubscouts boyscoutmemes exploring ascoutis memesmuggle nylt nyltmemes operationmemesmuggle scoutjamboree scoutshop venturingbsa bsamemes
What leadership positions have you held in your Troop, Crew, Ship, Post, Lodge, Chapter, or anything else?
Here is a vintage Senior Patrol Leader pin! Sent in by @inspired.through.imagery
Back in the 50s/60s the Junior Assistant Scoutmaster Patch had 3 Full bars and the SPL Patch had 2 1/2. Also the ASPL Patch had 2 Bars! (All with the First Class Scout Logo, The PL patch was simply 2 Green Bars!)~~~
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Our youth today, our leaders tomorrow. The Boy Scouts of America inspires us to always do our best, no matter what we pursue.
What’s your favorite Rockwell or Setari painting/scene?
#bsapics #bsapix #boyscoutsofamerica #bsa #scouts #scout #scoutsbsa #scoutmein #beascout #weownadventure #venturing #seascout #worldscouting #scouting #beprepared #adventure #camping #camp #outdoors #orderofthearrow #oa #eaglescout #summitaward #quartermasteraward #oath #law #onceaneaglealwaysaneagle
Who’s your favorite superhero?!?❤️
@artofalabbazia •
#BSAPics #BSAPIX #BoyScoutsofAmerica #BSA #ScoutsBSA #ScoutMeIn #Venturing #SeaScouts #BeAScout #WeOwnAdventure #WorldScouting #Scouting #Scouts #BePrepared #Adventure #Camping #Outdoors #OrderoftheArrow #OA #EagleScout #SummitAward #QuartermasterAward #Oath #Law #OnceAnEagleAlwaysAnEagle