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#photographer - #regrann
We offer full service which includes full decor, catering, cakes & dessert tables and SO MUCH MORE!!!
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#photographer - #regrann - #regrann - #regrann - #regrann - #regrann - #regrann
Client Photo: Loved making this gender revel set! Twinkle, Twinkle little star...✨ #twinkletwinklelittlestarbabyshower #twinkletwinkle #genderreveal #NorthFlorida #Panhandle #treatsorlando #candyapplesorlando #treatmakerorlando #orlandotreatmaker #orlandocandyapples #MandyLous #TheeMandyLous #cakepops #cakepopsorlando #SuperDuperLatePost #WeDidTheBabyShowerToo #Blessed
✌& .
It took me many years to understand that MY inner peace is determined, created and maintained by ME alone!
It is easier to blame others for “causing” certain situations in our life... It takes a mature and self empowered person to own EVERY aspect of their life and to take full control over the obligation to self to create the life we want to live.
I’m more concerned with self reflection these days than I am with the opinions and input of others.
So much clarity shines through when you remove the external influences and truly move to your OWN beat!
YOU are the first example of how the world gets to treat you. This is demonstrated in the way you treat YOURSELF.
I’d love to know how you create your inner peace? What do you do to unwind the chaos of life? How do you maintain a healthy balance?
#reflections #selfempowered #innerpeace #peaceofmind #candyapples #candyapplesorlando #orlandocandyapples #sweetsorlando #treatmakerorlando #orlandotreatmaker #MandyLous #TheeMandyLous #mompreneur #womeninbusiness #orlandoblackowned
Myself and the other half to Mandy Lou’s @cmiller2000! ♀️
There’s this saying, “What’s understood doesn’t require an explanation”. That has been a go-to line for me in the past...
However, I’ve decided to remix that a little...
“It doesn’t matter if it’s understood, who and what you are requires NO explanation!”
We are not required to explain who we are to the general public... hell, family and friends included! The people in your life will either love and respect who and what you are... or simply be removed/distanced from your life.
YOU are responsible for YOUR happiness... and you can’t be happy living everyone else’s truth, or explaining yourself. You’ll eventually begin to feel like an outcast because well, “No one understands me.”
just LIVE... for YOU... Respectfully. And, in all that you do, ensure that you move, think and speak in love!
Oh yeah... and there’s also an . Catch that reflection!
#latepost #glasscandyapples #glassapples #royalbluecandyapples #candyapples #candyapplesorlando #orlandocandyapples #treatsorlando #orlandotreats #orlandotreatmaker #orlandoblackowned #blackownedorlando #womeninbusiness #mompreneur #MandyLous #TheeMandyLous #motivational #motivated #peace #innerpeace #newage #LetGoOfTheThingsHabitsAndPeopleThatDoNotServeYou