otoa swat police training lawenforcement ohio tactical 2019otoaconference mamari pewpew pistol glock pewpewpew thinblueline ttpoa 2019 atoa modernsamuraiproject nytoa guns iori ohiotacticalofficersassociation policechiefs rangetime xrayalphallc 2017 2019ohiotacticalofficersconference bigtexoutdoors
2019 is getting ready to kick off. The book dominated the last 2 years of my life, and now it's time to get back to hardcore training. My schedule will have some new developments this coming year. I will be adding a CQB Mechanics, Manipulations and Marksmanship, a square range course to introduce students to the concepts that cause the most common problems: close distance marksmanship, mechanical offset, muzzle control and weapon control during movement, action and manipulations, and footwork. These fundamentals of moving through a structure and around no-shoots cause a lot of struggle and create inefficiencies and safety issues during actual CQB training. This course will give students who are new to CQB a preparatory training prior to entering the shoothouse, as well as introduce experienced shooters to new ways of looking at marksmanship, footwork and weapons handling in closed spaces. I will also add Counter Ambush Pistol, a UTM Force on Force class in which the student gets put through scenarios from daily activities in the public, like walking into a gas station robbery to being attacked in ambush. Heavy emphasis will be put on mindset during the CAP course. The Close Concealment Pistol, Ambush/Counter Ambush (hands-on), Violence of Mind and other courses will all be freshened up with new material as well. So far dates are being established in Ohio, Chicago and Florida. If you are interested in hosting a course in your area, have a range or gym in mind and contact me directly. All courses are taught from direct experience in understanding the most capable and violent criminals and how to be prepared to win against them. This is fight training. There is a difference. #violenceofmind #vom #gutterfight #pistolero #concealment #concealmentmeansmorethanhidingagun #forceonforce #learningobjectives #training #alliancepolicetraining #ohiotacticalofficersassociation #otoa #homesteadtrainingfacility #impactshootingcenter #atarmor #chicago #miami #youngstown #alliance #cincinnati #okeechobee #phlster
Undoubtedly the two patches I am most proud to own. Something unimaginable for me several years ago. Honored to be among almost 150 of the best instructors from around the nation converging on one spot for a week to teach nearly 1500 cops who've come out to learn grow and better themselves. It's great to see old friends and meet new friends. Finally got to meet @southnarc in person and had a wonderful impromptu private sit down that went on for nearly 2 hours which I look forward to continuing over whiskey soon. #2019otoaconference #otoa #training #violenceofmind #vom #mindset
This is what it’s all about right here. This is why I will take vacation every year I’m asked to come train the members of the @ohiotacticalofficers Association. Another great conference and a fantastic time. #proschoosethepro #sti2011 #tacticalteam2011 #otoa #otoaconference2019 #boresightsolutions #bigtexoutdoors #phlster #511tactical #modernsamuraiproject #rds #reddot #police #swat #leo #tactical #training #spotterup #gettrained #stayequipped #bewilling #tacticallysound
Car all packed up and the necessities on hand. Ohio here I come. Let’s get it on @ohiotacticalofficers! #copshelpingcops #otoa #ohio #training #sti #sti2011 #proschoosethepro #tacticalteam2011 #trijiconrmr #bigtexoutdoors #phlster #boresightsolutions #dunkindonuts #windshieldtime #2011 #rds #gettrained #stayequipped #bewilling #tacticallysound