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Хештеги на тему #OTTOVONBISMARCK

Kaiser Wilhelm II Emperor of the German Empire visiting the Ottoman Sultan Mehemd V. Constantinople in October 1917. . Wilhelm II was on friendly terms with the Muslim world. He described himself as a "friend" to "300 million Mohammedans". Following his trip to Constantinople (which he visited three times – an unbeaten record for any European monarch) in 1898, Wilhelm II wrote to Tsar Nicholas II that, "If I had come there without any religion at all, I certainly would have turned Mahommetan!" . The German Empire expected that the entry of the Turks would have a pull on the entire Muslim world. The Kaiser had already designated himself in 1898 as the protector of all ‘Mohammedans’. There was now however the hope that, along with the Sultan’s proclamation of Jihad, a greater insurrection would break out in the British and French colonies as well as in parts of Russia. It was not only on the covers of German newspapers that this hope was colorfully portrayed - as seen here in the exhibition on the Leipziger ‘Illustrirte Zeitung’ - and yet this ultimately proved to be fallacious. After the limited numbers of officers, who had frequently come into the country during peace times, the war ushered in the most intensive phase of mutual encounters within the military context. In terms of sheer numbers, over 25,000 German soldiers reached the Ottoman Empire over the course of the war. About 800 of them served directly in the Ottoman army as part of the German military mission. The bulk of German soldiers during the second half of the war had come into Ottoman Empire within the framework of the German Asienkorps units. The transport of troops and materials before the end of 1915 was still difficult, but after the capture of Serbia the Central Powers possessed a direct connection between Berlin and Constantinople with the Balkanzug (Balkans Express). This train route became the lifeline of the German-Ottoman alliance; it was this route that first enabled the relocation of larger German troop formations to the Ottoman Empire. #germanpower #germanempire #ottovonbismarck #bismarck #1871 #ww1 #1800 #1917 #visit #ottoman #ottomanempire #turkish #thehistoryclub #constantinople

Хештеги на тему #OTTOVONBISMARCK

Kaiserliche Grüße . by @robinmngl #Kaiserwilhelm #Ottovonbismarck #Denkmal #Dortmund #Nrw #Germany #Ruhrpott #Ausflug #Hohensyburg #unterwegs #identitariangirl #Fotografie #stolz #Kaiser #Deutschland #Kultur #Reise #Sommer #Juli #Sonne #heimatliebe #unterwegs #Fotografie #Geschichte #Tradition #girl #culture #photography

Хештеги на тему #OTTOVONBISMARCK

Guess the French like whole wheat. Tag a German friend #historymemes #militaryhistorymemes #prussia #ottovonbismarck #ottovonspinmarck #19thcenturymemes #garlicbreadmemes #cleanbreadmemes #eastgermany #worldwarone #westernfront

Хештеги на тему #OTTOVONBISMARCK

An Austrian Veteran of the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 in the streets of Vienna 1914. As you can see he is wearing his well deserved medals from the war. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The Austro-Prussian War (1866) was a short war between the State Of Prussia and the Austrian Empire. Otto Von Bismarck deliberately caused the war in order for Austria to lose its influence over the German Confederation and for Prussia to overtake it. The war was well planned which caused some of the states to unite with Germany which formed the North- German Confederation ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Here are some facts on the Austro-Prussian War! . Casualties of Austria and its allies stand around 132,000 while Prussia and it's allies are around 40,000. . Due to the annexations of new lands by Prussia after the war, the state in 1867 controlled over 24 million inhabitants. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The 7 week war came to end after Austria signed the Peace Of Prague on 23 August 1866. . Due to the clevernence of Bismarck he managed to get Italy involved in the war and strategically ensure a quick victory and made sure the Austrian Empire would never desire for Revenge. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #thehistoryclub #historians #history #ww1 #ww2 #worldwar1 #worldwartwo #worldwari #war #prussia #austroprussianwar #1866 #germanempire #kaiser #ottovonbismarck #warishell #austrianempire #wwii #wars #historian #historiansunion #veteran #warveteran

Хештеги на тему #OTTOVONBISMARCK

Europe 153 years ago today: Outbreak of the Austro-Prussian War (14 Jun 1866) https://buff.ly/2F8Hcdt After the war with Denmark, Austria and Prussia were left in control of Schleswig-Holstein. However the Prussian Prime Minister Otto von Bismarck really wanted both duchies and connived to provoke a war with Austria. Most of the German states backed Austria, voting for mobilization against Prussia in the German Federal Diet. #europe #history #welovehistory #welovemaps #map #1860s #19thcentury #victorianera #victorian #1866 #austrianempire #europeanhistory #germanunification #germanconfederation #holstein #june #june14 #ottovonbismarck #prussia #schleswig #maps #todayinhistory #historytoday #historyteacher #historybuff #historygeek #historynerd #worldhistory #cartography #germanhistory

Хештеги на тему #OTTOVONBISMARCK

Such nostalgia #germanmeme #germanymemes #prussiamemes #polandmemes #ratatouillememes #partitionofpoland #francoprussianwar #worldwarhistory #worldwar2memes #hohenzollern #ottovonbismarck

Хештеги на тему #OTTOVONBISMARCK

#onthisdayinhistory Otto Von Bismarck (1815-1898) dies today at the age of 83. 30th July 1898 • • He would die shortly after this picture was taken. This man does not get enough credit for the work he did during his time in power. He helped create reforms that made the Prussian Army strong, which attributed to quick defeats of both Austria in 1866 and France in 1871. He then used his diplomacy to make the wars short and even helped negotiate amiable treaties. He used these victories to unify Germany, and then made amazing diplomatic moves across Europe to make Germany strong but also to avoid war for the rest of his time in power. • After he fell from power, the powers to be in the German Empire made alliances and moves that eventually led to WWI. What happened in WWI is a key reason WWII happened. Otto von Bismarck made sure no such war happened while he was in power. Many historians agree a war as massive as WWI could easily have happened in the 1870-80s, but it didn’t, and Bismarck is the main reason why. Read up on him, his life is fascinating. #germanpower #germanempire #ottovonbismarck #bismarck #1871 #ww1 #1800s #19thcentury #german #europe #death #deathbed #history #historianslegion #historiansunion #thehistoryclub

Хештеги на тему #OTTOVONBISMARCK

A photo of the legendary Reichskanzler Otto Von Bismarck in his older years. Late 1890s. . Otto Von Bismarck (1815-1898) was a conservative Prussian Statesmen and politician who dominated European Affairs for decades. He was First Chancellor of the German Empire to its creation in 1871 until Kaiser Wilhelm II sacked him in 1890. . Bismarck is responsible for keeping Europe at peace by forming a German Empire. Due to his great diplomatic skills the Empire was formed. If Bismarck wasn't there then there would have been a great European War in the 1800s. Wars with Austria,Denmark and France happened. Bismarck used his skills to make sure they wouldn't get revenge. . Legacy: The judgment of history on Bismarck is mixed. While he unified Germany and helped it become a modern power, he did not create political institutions that could live on without his personal guidance. It has been noted that Kaiser Wilhelm II, through inexperience or arrogance, essentially undid much of what Bismarck accomplished. . Bismarck's imprint on history has been stained in some eyes as the Nazis, decades after his death, attempted at times to portray themselves as his heirs. Yet historians have noted that Bismarck would have been horrified by Nazis. . #bismarck #germany #prussia #ottovonbismarck #prussian #1890s #germanempire #secondreich #france #history #thehistoryclub #historical #germanhistory ##ww1 #ww2 #kaiser #centralpowers #historyisfun

Хештеги на тему #OTTOVONBISMARCK

Three generations of German monarchy. Kaiser Wilhelm II, his son and crown prince Wilhelm von Preußen and his little nephew Wilhelm. Sadly, young Wilhelm wouldn't outlive his grandpa, but die in 1940 (being 34 at the time). He served in the 1.Inf.Div. and was wounded on the 23th March of 1940 during the invasion of France. He would die just three days later. On the 29th March, a memorial service was held in Sanssouci castle near Berlin. More than 50000 Germans gathered to honor their fallen prince. They accompanied the prince on his last journey to the graveyard. Hitler hated this display of an uncontrolled mass event. It scared him to have such numbers of people gathering without it being organized by the propaganda machine of the Reich. From that onwards, he forbid any member of a royal family to serve in the frontlines. 1943 he completely excluded them from serving in the Wehrmacht. #ww2 #ww1 #worldwar1 #kaiserreich #kaiser #germanempire #german #french #france #britain #thehistoryclub #worldwar2 #ottovonbismarck #bismarck #patriotism #patriot #vaterland #collection #postcard #funeral #nazi #wehrmacht #hitler #geschichte #deutschland #deutschesreich #thirdreich

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