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4th gear pull for those who love soot.... that's 4200 rpm shift at the end LOL at @victoria_zagrodny comment at the end #dieselporn #dodge2500 #diesel #dodge #cumminsengine #cummins #cumminsporn #engineporn #fassfuel #motorporn #nv4500 #Nastytruckvidz #ppump #p7100 #rollingcoal #revlimiter #soot #secondgen #truckporn #tripledisc #torquemonster #valair
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Oil and fuel pressure gauges are in now, a small timing adjustment made and now just waiting for a few miscellaneous things before it goes in. The anticipation is killing me #SRT6Cummins #TransformationTuesday #24ValveCummins #P7100 #FarFromStock #S467point7 #SteedSpeed #KeatingMachine #ARP #VibrantPerformance #47RE
Dynomite Diesel Inside ⛽
@mtsled_puller @protech_diesel @dynomitedieselproducts .
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