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Day 1 saw Quick math, desperados, unity and Elgiganten walk away with wins and Desperados had a savage 19 kill game, intense games across the board, day 2 was awesome make sure your following - to catch all the action across 17 days here for #PEL_Contenders
#esports #gaming #pubg #live #streaming #livestream #twitch #broadcast #ukraine #playerunknown #follow4follow #instadaily #professional #love #life #happy #tbt #insta #like4like #europe #starladder
يشارك اليوم لاعبين فريق @OshTekkWarriors للعبة #PUBG ⚔️ | iArsenalyyy ⚔️ | @u8rp ⚔️ | OuTL4Wx ⚔️ | @dr_innovator في بطولة #PEL_Contenders الساعة 7:00 مساءً ،
ويمكنكم متابعة البطولة عبر الرابط التالي: | (الرابط في البايو) #LetsGoWarriors ⚔️
Friday night, is there any better date to drop onto #Erangel ?⠀
Our #PUBG is ready, after yesterdays remake struggles, we hope tonight everything will work. No matter what happens, we stay calm and ready to secure our #Top3 spot!⠀
⠀ ⠀
18:00 CET⠀
#PEL_Contenders @Pubgsltv @PEL_esports #pubg_de #letsgo #esport #esports #egaming #gaming #games #tournament #pubg_moments #twitch #streams #frags