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I tried reading The Catcher in the Rye a month ago and excitedly took this picture thinking I would love it. How naive I was. I got into 45 pages until I had to stop because I just hated it. This one will have to join the rest of the Did Not Finish club, alongside titles such as Jacob's Room (the book I hate the most in the world ). I can't really explain why I couldn't keep reading—I didn't like the writing, I found it boring and well, annoying. I know some people have told me to try some other Salinger novels but I have so many other authors I want to read before so see ya later Salinger. Any classic everyone loves that you try to read and couldn't finish?
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Das Jahr ist schon wieder zur Hälfte um (wie konnte die Zeit nur schon wieder so schnell vergehen?) - höchste Zeit also, sich schon mal Gedanken um die Jahreshighlights zu machen. Durch die große Menge an fantastischen Büchern ist mir das absolut schwer gefallen, am Ende konnte ich aber doch eine klare Top 5 aus dem Regal ziehen
Absolutes Highlight ist "Vater Unser" von @angela_lehner, die restlichen könnte ich kaum in eine Reihenfolge bringen, daher sind sie alle auf Platz 2.
Was sind eure bisherigen Jahreshighlights? Welches meiner habt ihr schon gelesen?
[Werbung/enthält ein Rezensionsexemplar]
#currentlyreading - and loving ❤️ Dear Evan Hansen ist gerade so ein seltsames Leseerlebnis, weil ich das Musical und die Lieder kenne, ohne es je gesehen zu haben. Also kenne ich einzelne Szenen und Handlungen, habe mir alles dazwischen aber selbst dazugedichtet - und lag teilweise echt falsch.
Es ist total spannend, jetzt die richtige Geschichte lesen zu können. ❤️ Und im November geht es endlich ins Musical.
Mögt ihr Musicals? Was ist euer liebstes?
I read this play a while ago, so I got excited when I found this French edition.
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In February 1905, in Moscow, a group of terrorists who were part of the revolutionary socialist party organized an attempt on the life of the Grand Duke Serge, uncle of the Tsar. This attempt, and the unusual circumstances leading up to and following it, are the subject of The Just. No matter how extraordinary some of the situations in this play may seem, they are the truth. This is not to say that The Just is a historical play. But all the characters did actually exist, and behaved as I have written. I only tried to make realistic the things which really happened.
I kept the real name of the hero, Kaliayev. I didn't do this from lack of imagination, but out of respect and admiration for those men and women who, in the most contemptible of efforts, were still not able to get rid of their own hearts. Progress has been made since then, it is true, and the hate which weighed down those exceptional souls into intolerable suffering has now become a comfortable system. But that is even more reason to bring back these great ghosts and the story of their justified revolt, their difficult brotherhood, and the unmeasurable efforts they made to put themselves in tune with murder -- and thus to show where their true faith lay.
_Albert Camus, (1949)_ .
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