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A @la_papeterie é uma das minhas lojas preferidas na hora de comprar itens fofos de papelaria. Sempre vem tudo muito bem embalado em uma caixinha muito simpática e com presentinho. Dessa vez veio calendário e marcador de página.
Amei os adesivos, em especial a cartela de ursinhos.
O kit de washi tape em azul marinho com dourado é muito mais lindo do que eu imaginava.
A caneta avulsa tem tinta tipo gel na cor preta e é uma delícia para escrever.
O conjunto de canetas tem as cores lindas e bem diferentes. O corpo da caneta corresponde a cor da tinta e a azul clarinho com toque de cinza foi a que mais gostei. A tinta delas também é tipo gel e a ponta é 0,5mm.
Musica do vídeo: Harmony
Musico: Ikson
Hacking wifi with my antenna yagi & alfa..
#kalilinux #pentesting #pentester #ciberseguridad #cybersecurity #tecnologia #hackers #hacking #ethicalhacking #hacker #tecnology #computer #computerengineering #developer #hack #pentest #python #linux #networking #redes #java #anonymous #google #cyber #tech #infosec #itsecurity #linuxmint #samsung #andrax
DuckDuckGo Android Browser Vulnerable to URL Spoofing Attacks! The open source DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser for Android version 5.26.0 with more than 5 million installs makes it possible for potential attackers to launch URL spoofing attacks targeting the app's users by exploiting an address bar spoofing vulnerability.
A Security researcher found the flaw tracked as CVE-2019-12329 and reported it to the apps' security team through their bug bounty program on the HackerOne bug bounty and vulnerability coordination platform.
The researcher states that the proof-of-concept he devised works by spoofing DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser's omnibar with the help of a specially crafted JavaScript page which makes use of the setInterval function to reload an URL every 10 to 50 ms. While the real website is automatically loaded every 50 ms, the inner HTML is modified to display entirely different content. Potential attackers can perform URL spoofing attacks by changing the URL displayed in the address bar of the vulnerable web browser to trick their victims into thinking that the website they're currently browsing is controlled by a trusted party. However, the site will actually be under the control of the malicious actors operating the attack, just like it would happen after the attackers would abuse the address bar spoofing flaw unearthed by the researcher in the DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser for Android. ️
❓Getting Started in #Cybersecurity❓⠀
I'm asked about this topic at least once per day - and for good reason! One of the frustrating (but also exciting) things about this industry is how *new* it still is. Universities and colleges are only starting to adapt their #compsci and #softwareengineering curricula to include #computersecurity topics. School guidance teachers don't necessarily know that many of the roles we have exist, and don't always know how to guide their students.⠀
So what do you do? This is the advice I've given any who have asked:⠀
✖️ Figure out what area of the industry you'd like to work in. This may take a little while. Check out free courses on Coursera or Udemy or Youtube or iTunesU. Follow individuals on Twitter who work in the area of the industry you're most interested in. ⠀
✖️Collect resources. These can be free, paid, or a combination of both. Many times you don't need to go back to school or to complete a traditional 4-year program. Look into certifications (and be sure to look at *reviews* of any certification courses), free courses, books (@nostarchpress has oodles) and online CTFs (capture-the-flag) competitions that sometimes include tutorials or walkthroughs so you can check your work.⠀
✖️Get hands-on with your learning. Don't just read textbooks. Reverse engineer your own malware samples, compete in a CTF (this Github repo is a fantastic resource - or sign up for a Bug Bounty program like @hacker0x01 to actually try your skills at (ethical, legal) pentesting. !! Be sure to check that any 'hacking' practice you're doing is LEGAL !! ⠀
✖️Find a mentor. Mentorship is important, and most people are more than happy to offer advice and their time to guide your career. These people don't have to be reachable IRL: look on Twitter or Instagram or for blogs of individuals whose work you admire and whose career path you'd like to follow. I'm in the job I love today because of the incredible mentorship I've had from some truly brilliant, and generous people: @ivrodriguezca, @ma_ze_ria and @maddiemadmads28 to name a few.⠀
What other advice have you heard or been given? Share below ~ ⠀
Treino nosso de cada dia!
Alfabeto minúsculo ❤️
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. Torne-se um/uma desenvolvedor(a) web Full-Stack de sucesso e realize os seus sonhos agora mesmo, aprendendo as principais tecnologias web do mundo, da maneira mais fácil e rápida, com ✅CERTIFICADO✅válido em toda América Latina.
➡Acesse o link em no nosso Perfil @oprogramadorcurioso e participe do melhor e mais completo curso de programação do Brasil, com 65% de desconto só para quem me segue aqui. ATENÇÃO, restam apenas mais 18 vagas promocionais, então corra !!!
-----> @oprogramadorcurioso
World Password Day.
What just happened?
fingerprint Authentication
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