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Qual a imagem que você deseja que as pessoas tenham do seu negócio?
O Instagram é uma rede extremamente visual. Aqui as imagens comunicam: suas fotos falam quem sua marca é. Ok?
#branding #personalbranding #deixesuamarca #marcapessoal #midiassociais #instagram #imagempessoal #imagemcorporativa #mulheresdesucesso #glrpwr #marketingpessoal #dicasdemarketing #fotografia #riodejaneiro #empreendedorismofeminino #empreendedorasqueinspiram
#fotografia #foto #fotos #fotografo #fotografa #fotos #photograph #photography #photographys #portraitphotography #photography_love #snapshot #exposure #photos #capture #composition #pic #moment #focus #picture #all_shots #retratoconmarca #personalbranding #fotografocorporativo #portfoliowork #photography #professionalphotographer #portrait #instapic
Have you taken into consideration that if you began designing your brand for “them” that you’re going to get a better result?
More engaged audience members?
More leads?
More sales?
I was playing around with my personal brand logo yesterday morning and asked myself this one question...
“Would my audience see this logo and say, ‘YES! That logo describes Henry to a T!!’... Bold. Unique. Fluid. NO Bull...
The answer was “yes” based on the DMs I received so that was it.
Logo done! On to the next goal!
Design your brand for the people you serve, NOT a YOU...
Happy Sunday! Tag a friend that this could help
Link to my free personal brand training in my bio @thebranddr
#repost @branding_design
Super Excited for the Launch of This New Marketing Branch!
Follow us at @productions_k2k #marketing #personalbranding #contentcreation #contentcreator #video #videography #photography #digitalmarketing #realestate #southflorida #palmbeachcounty #browardcounty #wellington #wellingtonrealestate #bocaraton #bocaratonrealestate #luxuryhomes #socialmediamarketing @remaxservicesbocaraton
Becoming the reason people love your brand means...
You’ve found purpose in your passions and infuse your personal essence into everything you do.
Not only do you believe in your ability to become a leader in your industry, you fully embody it.
You have such a solid foundation for your presence that you can’t help but be consistent, cohesive, and intentional in all the ways you communicate your brand.
You’re a thought leader and choose to consciously create wayyy more than you consume.
You’ve transformed your lifestyle into a brand that people are excited to support and want to be a part of.
You & your brand serve as a catalyst for your big vision and an inspiration for the community you serve.
Guess what? This doesn’t have to feel like a faraway dream — it’s my reality and can be yours too.
This Wednesday 5/1 @ 12 PST I’m hosting my very first masterclass and will be going over my tried & true tips on how you too can become the reason that people love your brand.
Head to the link in my bio to register, I can’t wait to see you there! ✨
Let’s talk content!⚡ Op Instagram heb je 2 soorten content, posts en Stories. Gisteren hebben we het al over het verschil gehad tussen de twee. Nu wil ik het hebben over het maken van je content voor een periode. Ik doe dit voor een hele week, zo weet ik zeker dat ik elke dag iets te posten heb voor mijn business account. Mijn tips hiervoor: 〰 Zorg voor een mapje met jouw eigen foto’s of rechtenvrije foto’s, een soort voorraadje
〰 Houd een boekje of notities bij in je telefoon, dingen die je opvallen, tips of andere post waardige verhalen die day-to-day op je af komen. Dit zijn altijd een mooie basis voor een post.
〰 Houd een content kalender bij, bedenk van te voren wat de week en maan thema’s zijn en maak op een vaste dag jouw content. Maak onderscheid tussen “promo” en “waarde” posts.
Wil jij mijn content kalender gebruiken en meer tips over consistent posten op Instagram, de juiste volgers aantrekken en jouw product of dienst verkopen via IG Doe dan vanaf morgen mee met de IG course #Instapreneur! Koop toegang via de link in bio.
I used to think the only way to make more money was by:
1️⃣ putting in more hours of work
2️⃣ getting paid more money per hour of work
Have you thought this way before? I’m sure you have. And honestly, most people still do.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. You don’t always have to be trading your time for money ⏳
And if you don’t want to always be doing that then shift the way you think about making money to this
The more value you give = the more money you make, no matter the amount of time put into your work.
This is the reason doctors can charge so much money for a 30-minute surgery, why business consultants can charge $10,000 a month for their services, why some public speakers can charge $20,000 for a 30 minute speech. And so on.
It doesn’t matter if the doctor can do your surgery in 30-minutes, because performing surgery is a skill that solves a huge problem, provides immense value, and is not something anyone can do. It’s also a skill they’ve spent YEARS mastering
You can apply this more value = more money idea into the work you do by learning a skill that solves a big problem, provides a ton of value, and is a skill that not anyone can do.
Then use that skill to provide service to others & charge them a fair price based on the value you provide.
For example...Let’s just say you learned the skill of facebook advertising & charge $2000 a month for your services. In return, you make the businesses you work with $10,000 a month.
See the value in that? Most business would be more than happy to pay you $2,000 to get $10,000 back.
Anyways, I hope this helps shift the way you think about making more money. To your success!
- Kyler
Todo empreendedor começou do começo. Muitas vezes sem motivação – de pessoas queridas, e às vezes até de si mesmo –, mas começou. E minha dica de livro tem muito a ver com isso.
Tem alguém que sabe o que você viveu/está vivendo/vai viver nessa jornada louca que é empreender, e colocou tudo isso num livro. Ou melhor: em TRÊS livros.
@geracaodevalor foi um dos primeiros perfis voltados para empreendedorismo que conheci - tem uns bons anos - e me chamou atenção pela forma direta e bem ilustrada de falar. Os livros são assim: leitura dinâmica, com diagramação diferente, conselhos valiosos e sem rodeios.
Flávio Augusto da Silva tem uma daquelas histórias f*d@s pra contar: o cara que veio de baixo e cresceu na vida porque confiava em si mesmo e na sua capacidade. Hoje tem um império e ainda mais histórias pra contar. Geração de Valor 1, 2 e 3 são livros pra ler agora e passar adiante — pro amigo que é talentoso e tá com medo de começar, pra alguém da família que tem um negócio em potencial e tá desanimado, querendo desistir.
É uma super mentoria, e recomendo pra vida Quem é o seu autor/mentor favorito?