phpday berbagiadalahpeduli berbagitakjil hidroponik hidroponikbatang hidroponikpekalongan hidroponikpemalang hidroponikpemula infopekalongankota instapekalongan mariberbagi pecintahidroponikpekalongan peduli pekalongan pekalonganinfo pekalonganpeduli pekalonganraya phpberbagi sharingiscaring phpfc grusp verona curitiba jsday phpdaycuritiba programming rasmuslerdorf trezo trezoteam ceritapekalongan
immancabile come la morte, e le tasse, arriva quel periodo dell'anno in cui @dianaclems decide di fare #decluttering del mio cassetto delle magliette delle conferenze (anche di quelle salvate dai suoceri) ciao ciao #phpday 2005, 2008, 2016, #jsday 2014, #mokacamp 2004, 2012, #mageday 2014 e #associazionesprite 199x rimarrete sempre nel mio cuore (e feed)
#tbt goes for 2014 and one of my first international talks I did. It was at #phpday in #verona, and I spoke about #symfony and #angular working together. .
I remember that I was the first slot after keynote and keynote was delivered by Rasmus Lerdorf also know as founder of PHP. I was so nervous but it end up quite good. ✌️.
Since 2014 I did more than 30 International conferences as speaker and counting. . Next one is #DevConMU .
#PHP #javascript #angular ##angularjs #symfony #framework #tehnology #speaker #conference #agency #agencylife #workandtravel #travel #italy #conferencespeaker #conferencespeakers #conferencespeakersinternational #speaking #conferencespeaking #digital #web #mobila #ux #design #development