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Here is a little snippet of an original track I wrote. I think it tells a story thru music, and you will see a full length video very soon! But I am curious to know what comes to your mind when you hear this music? (Listen in headphones to better hear the arrangement ) And,btw, I still don’t have a name for it...so let’s try to name it together? Leave me your suggestions below! •
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Directed by @lolaastanova
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Pianists are good at multitasking... agree?
@bopianomagic showing her skills as she composes
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song :ravy
آورده خبر راوی . کو ساقر و کو ساقی
دوری به سر اومد . از او خبر اومد
چشم و دل من روشن . شد کلبه دل گلشن
وا کن در ایوون . کو گل واسه گلدون
دیدی سر ذوق اومد . با شادی و شوق اومد
زاری نکن ای دل . شیون نکن ای دل
##piano#pianocover #pianocovers #pianolessons #piano #pianopiano #pianoman #pianoforte #pianos#pianomusic #pianoday #pianolovers #pianoplayer #pianosolo #pianopractice #pianoplaying #pianolover #pianoart #pianoteacher #pianovideo #pianolove #pianotime #pianogram #classicalpiano #pianorecital #renzopiano#pianolesson #jazzpiano #instapiano#
@lolaastanova playing @beethovenclassics Piano Sonata No. 17
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چه آزادانه و چه آگاهانه به خیال اینکه اختیار را محکم به آغوش گرفته ایم روز را به شب و شب را در انتظار روز بیداریم و غافل از اینکه این جبر است که فرصت رهایی از آغوشش را از ما گرفته.
چقدر عجیب که دوست داریم این بی اختیاری به ظاهر اختیار را....
تنها جملههایی که بعد از فکر کردن به جبر یا اختیار میتونست آرومم بکنه همین دلنوشتههای خودم بود. شما هم موافق این هستید که ما فکر میکنیم توو زندگیمون اختیار داریم، در صورتی که جبر روزگار تمام تصمیمها رو بهجای ما میگیره؟
How freely and consciously we are waiting for nights and days in the mistaken belief that we have held our authority tightly but we are unaware that this is determinism which has taken the opportunity to be free from its breast.
And How strange that we love this obligatory which is ostensible authority.
The only words which could make me calm after thinking of authority and determinism were the ones that came out of my heart within.
Do you also think that we just think we have freedom in our lives while this is only determinism of the world that makes decisions instead of us?
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If anyone is celebrating a Birthday this week ~ here's a Kit Kat piano cake!
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From to: @pianomusicfan
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