pirateshow pirates pirate eventperformer beckenham bromley bromleygottalent characterforhire charityday clublangley cosplay crazycaptain display entertainer eventshire itspiratelifeformesavvy meetandgreet mermaidandpirate performer photographerbackground photoopportunity pirateandmermaid piratedispay pirateofthecaribbean piratepartyideas pirateselfie pirateship piratestall stallholders vacation brixhamharbour
Today’s flashback Friday is dedicated to that one time I landed my front handspring and lost my ever loving mind! Been working on getting consistent with my landing and gaining strength in my arms!
Hopefully I will be confident and consistent enough that this bad boy can make it into #SyneticTreasureIsland this summer! ☠️☠️ @synetictheater
#AnActorsLifeForMe #TreasureIsland #FBF #SyneticTheatre #CrystalCity #DCTheatre #Pirates #PirateShow #FrontHandspring #MovementTheatre #Actor #SummerWorkout
Come celebrate a special occasion and enjoy the new show: Secrets Of The Deep. A blessing has come to the princess in the form of a magical mermaid. ♀️
It is time to see the pirates for their new adventure. ☠
Eat a delicious feast (chicken, shrimp, veggies, and mash potatoes) while enjoying the show. Don't forget to order a drink from the bar.
#piratesdinneradventureca #OCPirateCrew #piratesdinneradventure #piratesdinner #buenapark #visitbuenapark #dinnerandashow #abc7eyewitness #pirateshow
You beat me by posting this picture on your FB... It's one of My Favorite pictures of US. Today would be the Perfect Day to post it... Now Hurry Home!!! #NandN #NickandNena #28 #PuertoVallarta #yearanniversary #hesHome #coupleswhotraveltogether #vacationmode #kisses #MyBooThang #Love #pirateshow #loyalty #makingmemories #theamazinglifeofnickandnena #abeautifulsunset #rideordie #HappyLife #Blessed #PSILoveYou
Times and epochs
4 дня = 4 разные программы. Доволен - у меня отличная команда
p.s. фоточки от 15 июня.
#fightchoreography #menwithswords #theatreMwS #stagefencing #stagecombat #timesandepochs #streetshow #artisticfencing #artfencing #smallsword #pirates #pirateshow #боеваяхореография #театрбоевойхореографии #людисмечами #уличноешоу #сценическийбой #сценическоефехтование #артфехтование #временаиэпохи #виэ2019 #пираты #пиратскоешоу #пиратскаявечеринка #пиратывгороде