plasticsucks plasticfree zerowaste sustainability ecofriendly savetheplanet gogreen plasticpollution environment noplastic recycle saveouroceans saynotoplastic sustainable zerowasteliving ecofriendlyliving festivalfashion plasticfreeoceans sustainableliving earth ocean plasticfreeliving reuse saveourplanet bethechange nomoreplastic planetorplastic plastic singleuseplastic greenplanet
A powerful message Check out @lildickygram and his newest drop on @youtube, link in bio
Here's what @leonardodicaprio had so say
➡️ Thank you to @lildickygram and all the artists that came together to make "Earth" happen. Net profits from the song, video, and merchandise will go to many @leonardodicapriofdn partners on the frontlines of implementing solutions to climate change. that will benefit from this collaboration include: @sharkconservationfund, @100isnow, @globalgreengrants, The Quick Response Fund for Nature, and The Carbon Cycle Institute.
#dontridetheplastictide #plasticsucks #plasticfree #savetheocean #environment #sustainability #change #plastic #no #ocean #landscape #art #hope #truth #savetheplanet #beautiful #amazing #song #love #earth
These beautiful straws from @byaimeeoh are still available on my site (along with beautiful handmade straw pouches) .
As I’ve said before, the money I make from these straws goes straight to paying for my website and blog. I’ve grounded myself from writing until I graduate BUT graduation is NEXT FRIDAY and then I have allllll the exciting things to share with you guys .
I’ll have a post up about my favorite ethical brands to support, I’ll have a post about wedding preparing, a post about living a sustainable lifestyle while living with roommates, your partner, your family, etc. So many great things to come! .
These straws are a small, simple step you can make toward a sustainable lifestyle. Sure, it’s a drop in the bucket when it comes to the plastic problem, but the message it sends to others is priceless. Never underestimate the power of your influence because i promise you the ripple affect starts with our little decisions . #ImpactforGood
Earth Day is upon us
Once a year this international movement sheds light on a crucial environmental issue.
In 2019, we aim to raise awareness and educate people about the rapid rate of species extinction
Since human civilisation, we have caused the loss of:
83% of wild mammals
80% of marine mammals
50% of flora
15% of fish
We are currently experiencing the worlds 6th MASS EXTINCTION...the biggest species loss since the dinosaurs...
So in all truth- we feel like every day should be Earth Day!
What do you think?
Stats were found at ‘The Guardian’
Todos los días deben ser Día de la Madre Tierra y todos los días debemos cuidarla/. ⠀
Comprométete a hacer un cambio. A reducir tu consumo de plásticos. A reducir tus desechos. A plantar más arboles. A usar menos el coche. A educar a nuestros niños desde el ejemplo. El cambio esta en nuestras manos. ⠀
Photo: @livekindlyco⠀
#ecofriendly #sustainable #plasticfree #sustainableliving #recycle #vegan #zerowastehome #handmade #gogreen #sinplastico #plasticsucks #eco #thinkgreen #sostenible #noplastic #sinbasura #basuracero #zerowastetips #earthday #earth #bekind#consumoconsciente #reutiliza #recicla #saveourocean #thereisnoplanetb #tipsbasuracero #circulareconomy #zerowastehome
What a fashion statement!
Plastic pollution is so not hot!!
Pc: @ecochicpodcast @parishilton
#ocean #dontridetheplastictide #plasticsucks #saveourseas #plasticpollution #plasticfree #funny #meme #friday #fashion #model #plastic #change #beach #cleanup #saveourplanet #hope #vibes #environment #sustainablefashion #savetheturtles