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For the 4th and this time for sure also last time, I am nominated for the Sporthilfe Nachwuchspreis. It's a big honour to me to belong to the five nominated juniors of five different sports. And it would mean a lot to me if you klick to the link in my bio and vote for me, to increase the chance that an orienteer could win this big prize once! There you can also watch the whole video! Thank you so much :)
Zum 4. und dieses Jahr auch sicher zum letzen Mal bin ich zur Sporthilfe Nachwuchsathletin des Jahres 2018 nominiert. Es ist eine riesen Ehre für mich, unter den fünf Nachwuchssportlerinnen zu sein, die alle aus verschiedenen Sportarten kommen und jeweils Grosses geleistet haben. Und es würde mir sehr viel bedeuten, wenn du auf den Link in meiner Bio klicken würdest und die Chance damit ein bisschen erhöhst, dass auch einmal eine OL-Läuferin diesen grossen Preis gewinnt! Dort kannst du dir auch das ganze Video anschauen. Vielen Dank :)
@schweizersporthilfe @swissorienteeringteam @valiantbank @trimtex @kpmg @arosalenzerheide #EGKgesundheitskasse #BBbiotech @nviisport @str8compass #swissorienteeringteam #orienteering #NachwuchsPreis #OneTeam #OLplus #Sporthilfe #NWP #suisse #meilleurespoirsuisse #sport #youngster #talent #sporttalent #dankefürdeinestimme #pleasevote #voteforme
Tomorrow's election day in Sweden for the European Parliament, so this goes out to all my fellow awesome badass Swedes, and whom else it may concern: please vote if you haven't already. If you don't use your voice, someone else will use your silence, and we really, REALLY need to turn things around when it comes to equality, humanity and our climate.
All awesome Swedes and Europeans who have voted already or will: let me see your hands! ♀️
✒: Sharpie Brush Pen, Tombow Dual ABT, Pentel Hybrid Gel Grip, Posca Marker and Staedtler Pigment Liner
: Swipe for a still
#vote #pleasevote #redink #red #3dletters #lettering #letterforms #3dlettering #handlettering #handmadefont #designinspiration #letteringvideo #procrastination #inkandlise
[Werbung] Support -Saturday! I know you got my back! The voting-system was not working several days last week, i got so many mails and messages about it, incredible! And still got 29% of all votes! You are the best supporters in the world! YOU ARE AMAZING! Your voting and over 100 more radioplays lifts “This Ain‘t My First Rodeo“ and me on position 4 in the National Radio Hits AC Charts this week! By the way, AC stands for Adult Contemporary! Got a lot of questions about AC the last days! So, i know it‘s hard, but do you think we can make it into the TOP3? Please keep on voting, to show my appreciation I will give all voters free VIP access to my website, here you can listen to every new song 3 weeks before it‘s official release! Just send me a dm with a screenshot of your vote! Find the link to the charts in my bio!
#supportsaturday #supportsaturdays #saturdaysupport #ineedyourhelp #ineedyourvote #ineedyourlove #pleasehelp #pleasevote #helpmeplease #voteforme #voteformeplease #givemeyourvote #needyourvote #helpneeded #supportneeded #support
IT'S TIME!!!!! I'd be SO honored if you would vote for me & share this link!! You can vote once per day per IP address today through March 22!! Thank you for your support!!! Link also in my bio!!!!
#realestate #realtor #cleveland #clevelandrealtor #30under30 #realtormagazine #pleasevote #thankyou