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Some Drain CCTV inspections uncovering the expected (tree roots) and unexpected (drains being built over), new hot water system installs, blocked drains cleared, sacrificial Anode replacements and gas hot water system services performed today.
Blackburn Plumbing
4th & 5th Generation
Your plumbers for life
Some Drain CCTV inspections uncovering the expected (tree roots) and unexpected (drains being built over), new hot water system installs, blocked drains cleared, sacrificial Anode replacements and gas hot water system services performed today.
Blackburn Plumbing
4th & 5th Generation
Your plumbers for life
What is that❓❓❓
After a bit of investigation work with the local service providers and some time spent on hold, our best guess is it’s been caused by some horizontal directional drilling during the broadband upgrade in the area, we have a meeting on site tomorrow and will be repaired as quickly as possible.
Not sure how we survived before our Ridgid See-Snake inspection cameras.
Blackburn Plumbing
4th & 5th Generation
Your plumbers for life
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