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#コーデ #ゆるコーデ #ゆるだぼ #シンプルコーデ #おしゃれさんと繋がりたい #お洒落さんと繋がりたい #服好きな人と繋がりたい #古着 #古着mix #古着女子 #フルジョ #古着コーデ #古着好きな人と繋がりたい #used #code #fashion #instafashion #古着ニット #poloralphlauren #ベルト #used #古着スカート #レトロコーデ
Looking forward to the Spring season ahead of us in a full @poloralphlauren look. RL has always been my go-to denim since high school and this lightweight spring number is my favorite to run around the city in. Now that the weather is warmer, it’s time for a fresh pair of whites or blues (or both)-- Shop the look in my Story. #ad #PoloRalphLauren #PoloDenim