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@nofapguide @nofapguide
Please like and follow @nofapguide . #Nofap #nopmo #nomastrubation #nopmo #nofapchallenge #nofapnovember #pornkillslove #pornkills #pornkillslove #today #fitness #motivation #health #fightagainstporn #meditation #pornaddiction #pornaddict #addiction #antiporn #nofapforever #nofapmotivation #nofapjourney #nofap2018 #nofaplife #nofaprelapse #rewirecompanion #90daychallenge #quitporn #antisocialsocialclub #insta #america
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Crazy to think that most of the internet is porn
Such powerful technology and it is being used in such a horrible way!
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You see the problem? It is a problem many Christians are too afraid to address. It's called lust. We have a society that has taught us that dressing sensually and lusting over people is acceptable. It is not. This goes for both genders. Jesus said if you look at someone with lust, you've committed adultery with them in your heart. Jesus was teaching us that not all sins are external. It is also a sin to internally fantasize about someone. This is a sin many, if not all of us, are guilty of, but that doesn't make it right. Flee such youthful lusts. God can help you overcome any sin, if you're truly seeking His help. And don't put yourself in a place where it is easy to lust and then say, "God, why didn't you help me?" --
As far as dressing goes, don't cheapen yourself. God has always wanted His people to dress modestly. If you'd like some biblical principles and verses on this, feel free to DM. Dressing immodestly can also cause another Believer to stumble. You should want people to fall in love with your character, not lust after your body.
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