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If you've ever wondered about my personal story, there's a simple and sweet article about it published today. Link in bio
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Never blame yourself or your looks: Your husband's compulsive porn use does not mean that you are unattractive. It does mean that he is attracted to unrealistic images and actions on a screen. You should not try and compete with pixels and cosmetic surgery enhanced fantasy of porn. Remember that you are beautiful and this is your partners problem- not yours.
Understand Male Sexuality: To truly believe that this is his problem and not yours, do some research on male sexuality.You will come to see that your partners issue is caused by pain inflicted on him in the past. You will still feel anger and pain at his betrayal, but understanding the roots of his issue will allow you to begin the process of moving from anger to compassion.
Set Boundaries: Let him know that his behavior makes you feel a certain way, and make it clear that you are under obligation to put up with it. Visit my YouTube page for videos guiding you on the best way to go about this while reducing conflict. Set boundaries such as no more using his devices in private, using an accountability filter such as @covenanteyes which shows you his browsing history and making it clear that viewing pornography is a threat to the your relationship.@elevatedrecovery offers accountability services for men as well.
Seek Counseling: Your husband cannot do this alone. Encourage him to seek help and invest a masculine counselor or coach who understands his offers confidential porn addiction recovery coaching for men.
Take Care of Yourself: This is probably the most important step of all. You may experience depression, anxiety, paranoia, insomnia, and other strong emotions. Managing and developing coping skills to handle this is important during this time.
Seek Strong Supportive Women: Don't do this alone. Shame, pain and guilt thrive in secrecy. Speaking to other women in a controlled, mediated group setting is a safe space about your problem will help you ease the burden. You'll be surprised at how many women are dealing with the same problem in their relationship!
Visit the link in our bio for more resources!
Join @elevatedrecovery and @ryanmichler on the @orderofman podcast as we discuss porn addiction and it's effects on masculinity. Ryan is a man I greatly respect who is spreading a much needed message. While you are at it, check out his book which was one of my favorite reads of the year.
Sovereignty: The Battle for the Hearts and Minds of Men
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In a normal, healthy sexual relationship, the partners are willing, considerate, and respected. They have an equal voice in every aspect of the relationship, including sex, and when one partner doesn’t like or feel comfortable doing something, the other partner respects them and communicates about it in a healthy way. At least, that’s how it is in ideal situations.
Porn, on the other hand, is a far cry from depicting this respectful sexual experience. In porn, sexualizing and glamorizing violence and nonconsensual sexual encounters isn’t an afterthought—in too many videos, it’s the goal. But how does this make sense in a society that rightfully calls for respectful relationships, an end to sexual assault, and gender equality? Hint: It doesn't.
#ForTheLoveOf #Consent #AntiPorn #FightTheNewDrug #PornKillsLove #FightForLove #StopTheDemand #ConsiderBeforeConsuming #TruthAboutPorn #Relationships #Love #Respect #Equality #LoveIsMore #instagood #happy #instadaily
Just as porn is becoming more and more prominent, the issue of fighting it and educating people on its harmful effects is finally starting to reach society as well.
You don’t have to be Joseph Gordon-Levitt to make a difference in this movement. Join the movement for love at
#FightTheNewDrug #GetTheFacts #PornKillsLove #FightForLove #ConsiderBeforeConsuming #TruthAboutPorn #Nonprofit #Activists #AntiPorn #SayNoToPorn #StopExploitation #JosephGordonLevitt #Celebrity
Porn is raising up an entire generation of teens who have accessed the most hardcore pornographic images and videos, all before having any sexual experiences for themselves. How will this affect their sexual template?
#FightTheNewDrug #FTND #FightForLove #PornKillsLove #StopTheDemand #ConsiderBeforeConsuming #TruthAboutPorn #BrainHeartWorld #AntiPorn #Youth #Young #Millennials #GenZ #Advice #Life #Love