positivemood positivevibes selfgrowth staypositive onlygoodvibes positivelife motivation positiveenergy positiveliving positivemind goodthoughts positiveminds positivemindset findyourstrong personalgrowth positiveselftalk positivevibesonly selftalk thinkhappythoughts abundancemindset fitfam growthmindset positiveaffirmations positiveattitude positivelifestyle thinkpositive betterforit fitnessforlife beastmode bestlifeproject powerofthemind
Какое счастье: будни пролетели!
Ты солнцу улыбаешься, смеясь.
И можно долго нежиться в постели,
И кофе пить, ничуть не торопясь.
И впереди так много развлечений:
Пойти в театр, на выставку, в кино,
Вобрать в себя побольше впечатлений,
И отдохнуть, конечно, заодно.
Чтобы потом, в воскресный тихий вечер,
Вздохнуть о том, что отдых пролетел,
И вдруг подумать: «Всё же стало легче
вернуться к миру неотложных дел.»
☀️ ☘️ Happy carurday, my lovely friends!
#bussiko #милашка #мяумяу #пушистик #catstagram #catsoftheday #catphoto #adorable #кися #haveaniceday #meowmodel #bestmeowdels #goodmeowing #positivemood #bestmeow #выходные #котикиобормотики #кошкирулят #безкотаижизньскучна #мурчащеесчастье #caturday #weekendmood
Hoping this fabulous pic of fit and healthy @madisoncahilll will motivate us to get back on the horse that we definitely fell off this weekend. The body was definitely treated like a theme park and not a temple Apologies in advance to our F45 trainers @f45_training_albion @logan_wadsworth
#f45training #f45challenge #8wc #f458weekchallenge #vivralifestyle @activetruth
You should never be with someone who makes you feel bad for who you are.
When I say this isn't just about intimate relationships. This is about all relatiosnships you have. Family, friends, co-workers. Whatever it is you need to have boundaries! And know when enough is enough.
Every single person has a story to tell, they have a past, and all of that makes who they are today! Too many people sit here and worry about being themselves or being judged by their past. But today you should say I am not a prisoner of my past. I am not any less worthy of love and good people to surround myself with because of it. Rise above it, be yourself and find those people who want to hear your story and love you through it. The people who show up when you don't need to ask, the ones who will love you through the good and bad days. But most importantly the person who makes you feel safe.
I hope every single of you know that it's okay to be scared it's okay to worry. But there are people out there who will remind you of the good. And you will find and keep those people around by not allowing it to control you. No one can use anything against you that your open about. Be the confident and best you that can be!
» i have not ceased being fearful, but i have ceased to let fear control me. i have accepted fear as a part of life, specially the fear of change and the unknown, and i have gone ahead despite the pounding in my heart that says: go back «
— erica jong
#goodthoughts #onlygoodvibes #positiveaffirmations #positiveenergy #positivelifestyle #positivemind #positivemindset #positiveselftalk #karachiblogger #karachistreetstyle #positivevibesonly #selftalk #thinkhappythoughts #thinkpositive #staypositive #selfgrowth #positivevibes #positivemood #positiveminds #positiveliving #positiveattitude #growthmindset #abundancemindset #personalgrowth #strongwomenquotes #strongwomenunite #muslimgirlarmy #30dayrealoutfitgram #muslimculture #modestlookbook @muslimgirl @mashionpk
Waktu kuliah dulu, aku dapat tempat KKN di Kab. Banteng, Sulawesi Selatan saat tahun 2014. Dulu pengen banget main ke Toraja setelah selesai pelaksanaan KKN karena tau keunikan dan kecantikan Toraja. Tapi waktu itu aku belum sempat mengunjungi Toraja karena saat selesai KKN lebih milih jalan ke Takabonerate yang aku pikir kapan lagi bisa ke Takabonerate kalau bukan saat itu, sedang Toraja lebih gampang kalau mau kesana di lain waktu. Trip ke takabonerate pun sudah menghabiskan waktu 4 hari, jadi nggak ada cukup waktu buat melanjutkan perjalanan ke Toraja saat itu.
Akhirnya 5 tahun kemudian aku berhasil mengunjungi Toraja. Aku berangkat kesana setelah punya tabungan yang cukup dan dapar tiket pesawat murah ke Makassar hasil berburu promo traveloka dari tahun lalu. Biaya tiket pesawat CGK - MKS bolak balik sekitar 1.5 juta. Kalau sekarang tiketnya sudah 3 juta-an buat pulang pergi.