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Oh boy ✨
We had quite a long period after our little accident that was filled with careful movements and tension caused by the fear of falling.
So Amadeo and I worked almost half a year in liberty and with our materials like balance pads, mats, seesaw and did a lot of targettraining. Just a very few times we also used our cavesal and more typical „academic tools“.
First of all we needed to find back our fun with movements and it was totally necessary to go in contact with our fears that were blocking us.
I liked that part of our story, so we won‘t quit on that. Yet we started to come more and more back to academic details in both liberty and academic work.
What we found there is simply blowing my mind.
There is still a lot we will be able to learn about ourselves and our bodies but we already found a level of balance where we both can breathe again.
We left our worries behind while discovering a glimpse of our true strength.
We are damn heroes, my boy. ✨
Never stop believing in your inner superpower
We are all able to achieve everything we really want.
For us, this kind of balance start to feel like real freedom. And this is nothing that comes from a special technique or a dogmatic way of working together. It’s all about inner growth, so that we get ready to remember how we really are.
Be patient. Take slow steps. Don’t rush the process.
Go for something. Find your thing. Mess it up again and dare to learn. This world is crazy colourful
I wouldn‘t want to miss a facet of it ❤️
Special thanks to
and @flummi61 .
#academicartofriding #positivereinforcement #ilovemyhorse #lusitano #bitlessartofriding #cavesal #cremello #groundwork #bodenarbeit #longieren #akademischereitkunst #positiveverstärkung #persönlichkeitsentwicklungmitpferden #liberty #freiarbeit
Fionan ylipaino on vähentynyt pikkuhiljaa, joten sen kanssa on treenattu enemmän, pääosin maastakäsin. Nyt selässäkin on käyty pari kertaa ja tänään F oli aivan upea!
Alkulämmittelyksi tehtiin peruutuksia ja liikkeellelähtöjä, rintakehän kohotusta ja takajalkojen lepuutusta sekä vatsalihastreeniä. Kun kiipesin selkään Fiona oli aivan unelma ratsastaa. Sitä jännitti maneesissa yksinolo hieman, mutta silti se oli varsin kuuliainen ja herkkä. Selästä käsin harjoiteltiin asetu-venytä kaulaa-lisää aktiivisuutta-ketjua sekä asetu-kokoa hieman-lisää aktiivisuutta-ketjua. Fiona keskittyi hienosti ja jaksoi kannatella itseään paremmin kuin koskaan. Maastakäsin jumppaaminen on tuottanut tulosta!
#younghorse #younghorsetraining #bitless #ratsastus #nuorihevonen #hevonen #riding #horsemanship #kuolaimetta #kuolaimettakengättäkannuksetta #horsephotog #hevosenkoulutus #operanttikoulutus #ruokapalkka #positivereinforcement #horsebiomechanics
Moje milované oslavily v květnu 4 roky. ❤️Vlastně jsou to ony, díky kterým žijeme tenhle život. Šli jsme pryč z města, abychom pro ně mohli vytvořit ty nejlepší podmínky. Jsou to ony, které nás dokáží tak moc potěšit, rozesmát a i pekelně naštvat. Někdy mačkám slzu dojetí, jak úžasné tvory máme a jindy slzu vzteku, že zas vymyslely nějakou lumpárnu. Miluju bezmezně jakoukoliv chvíli, kterou trávíme společně. Od tréninku až po společné nic nedělání. Nutí mě neustále přemýšlet a vymýšlet, jak se co společně naučíme. A i když mám někdy pocit, že jdeme proti proudu, jsem ráda, že pro Viktůrka bude tenhle náš svět normální, že mu nebude připadat divné se koně ptát, “chceš dneska pracovat?” a mít vedle sebe kreativní koňskou duši, která je v první řadě kamarád, ne sportovní náčiní. Původní myšlenka druzerního koně, se přeformátovala do uplně jiných rozměrů, do života v přírodě, po boku zvířat a s rukama v hlíně.. A tak: holky, díky za každý okamžik, za všechny radosti i starosti, za každou slzu, úsměv, lásku, díky za to, že jste. Buďte šťastné a hlavně zdravé. Jste boží, jste živým důkazem toho, že sny jsou od toho, aby se plnily. ❤️
In the darkest of times, the smallest light shines even brighter.
Sometimes, when things are the hardest, darkest and most difficult, come the greatest wonders. Even though things have been really hard the past couple of months, from car repairs to Sitka’s lease falling through, life has tried its best to kick me while I’m down. It’s times like this I’ve learned to fall back on hard work, perseverance, and patience. Hard work and working hard have always been my go to. Working hard to reach a goal is always far more rewarding then simply being handed everything in life. Torrin always manages to amaze me in his own way. He’s made so much progress in the last month, from learning to long line and finally getting the lay down! I’m so thrilled about his new trick and I just can’t wait to see what else he’s capable of! He is a light in the darkness of everything else, reminding me that hard work, persistence, and patience will pay off. He’s got such a bright future and has come so far from the horse he used to be. .
#rescuehorses #tricktraining #positivereinforcement #negativereinforcement #horsetraining #trickhorse #buckskinpaint #feralhorses #horsetricks @freedomsgateequinerescue
No words needed for moments like this
Truly happy that Pågen starting to give his trust to me, as im giving it to him. -
What kind of moments do You enjoy the most with your horse -
#positivereinforcement #freedomtothehorse #tricktraining #friendship #tackless #libertytraining #bridleless #equestrianlife #equestrian #horse #ponylove #naturalhorsemanship #poniesofinstagram
This butt head! We're slowly going back over some old tricks we haven't done in awhile for brain work. He's lucky he's so cute! @tobyacd
#dog #dogtraining #dogtrainer #tricktraining #tricks #clickertraining #acd #aussie #australiancattledog #cattledog #cattledogsofinstagram #blueheeler #cattledogclubhouse #positivereinforcement #puppy #cute #puppytricks
Absolutely in love with this picture
I’ve got some very good news! GERI CAN BE RIDDEN AGAIN!! It’s been over 8 months since he was first injured and we’ve just had the get go from our farrier saying he will be fine to start work again I’m actually so buzzing ❤️ will hopefully take him for a gentle trek this weekend
Wearing our gorgeous @iceequestrian.1 Browband seriously in love with it
#horse #pony #equestrian #summer #skewbald #cob #summerliberty #libertycob #liberty #horseliberty #horsetricks #horserear #horserearing #horsebow #horsebowing #horseliedown #horselayingdown #horselyingdown #spanishwalk #horsespanishwalk #horseofinstagram #cobofinstagram #libertywork #positivereinforcement
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