postalstamp postcrossing post postswapping stamp philately postalstamps postcrossing_swap stamp_swapping stampswap stampswapping swap swapping марки letters postal india postcards rare посткроссинг почтовыеоткрытки mailart snailmail happy mailpost positive spring бумажныеписьма весна искусство mongolianstamp
New Item coming soon!
We have just finished #designing our first #maskingtape . Two new designs will be available from April ( #bungujoshi , #hobbyshow #nekofest) We have only made two hundred for the first run. Please leave a comment or DM me if you are interested in preorders!
This design will include six designs of #postal #stamp like pictures. These are the #postalstamp that are used in the #village by the oaktree postal service!
Great design for #mushroom lovers and #cat lovers. Of course for all the #journaling lovers as well!
4月のイベント(#文具女子博petit大阪 #文具女子博 #日本ホビーショー #まるごと猫フェスティバル)に向けて遂に #マスキングテープ のデザインを完成させました! 柄はは全部で2種類。#先行発売 はまず200個ですが、#きのこ 好き、#猫 好き、#手紙 好き、 #手帳 好き の方にはたまらニャイ デザインになっていマッシュ
#楢の森 の #郵便局 でつかわれている #切手 をイメージして仕上げました。ぜひお楽しみに☆
We’ve got mail ✉️
We’ve been working on a new edit, and the samples have come in of our new postage stamps. Believe it or not, its one of the little things we’ve always wanted to create cos simply, we love stamps. We’ll be sending out all our orders with a collectable stamp soon ✉️. Keep an eye out for these launching into the wild April sometime... :-) More on stories..
It’s not every day your work appears on a stamp, and even less so that it wins an award, but that’s exactly what’s happened recently with my Irish #anpost (#anpostofficial) stamp (featuring model/muse @mghnlll) in late October. The stamp won second prize in the ‘Best Stamp in The World Awards 2017’ in Madrid . -
Thanks to @anpostofficial and
@aadmakes for the notification, the campaign itself and for getting me/my work involved. -
#findac #urbanaesthetics #urbanart #stamps #stamp #postalstamp #anpost #aad #streetart #dublin #ireland #stampcollector