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Good warmup drill...
#tixonhardhockey #thh
#hockey4kids #hockey #hockeylife #hockeycoach #hockeymom #hockeygame #hockeylifestyle #shallhockey #детскийхоккей #kids_hock #kidshockey #кхл #вхл #мхл #nhl #powerskating #stickhandling #hockeycamp #development #ccmhockeyrussia #hockeyshot #ccm #russiahockey
Making the mind and body work here with these three warm up skating drills.
1) Inside & outside edge on one skate then transfer over to the other skate in rhythm with switching edges.
2) Using a puck for balance to rely on one skate to get down the ice (again using both edges).
3) Controlling one puck with the stick & another with the skates at the same time. This is the most challenging to keep the body to moving in the right direction while maintaining control of the puck.
Athlete: @cyau21 #sawyerdevelopmentinstitute
Working on understanding hip position with direct pressure into the ice. The smallest adjustment to hip changes everything. Hips should always be scooped to create an extension in hip flexor. NO rest throughout the entire free left leg. That leg is actually in a strong static position working to create speed on the right foot. The only thing that changes for forward or backward direction in a very slight pressure on the mid front of blade to go backwards or mid back of blade to travel forward. Take a moment to watch when @ericlinell finally engaged his core and found that moment when he understood the pressure and power. I’m NOT allowing him to put pressure in my hand!! #feeltheburn #humansoftherink #powerskating #technique #correcttechnique #trusttheprocess #womeninbusiness @skate2score
D-man drills...very simple, but good exercise!
@elsh_19 .
#tixonhardhockey #thh
#hockey4kids #hockey #hockeylife #hockeycoach #hockeymom #hockeygame #hockeylifestyle #shallhockey #детскийхоккей #kids_hock #kidshockey #кхл #вхл #мхл #nhl #powerskating #stickhandling #hockeycamp #development #ccmhockeyrussia #hockeyshotstore #ccm
Outside edge 1 foot stop One of my favorite moves to run kids through is this. Don’t be afraid to try it with young beginners as it forces skaters to get comfortable on their outside edge, there’s no other option! Great demo by @katyjopowerskating .
#Repost : @katyjopowerskating
Skrrtt! Who can do this?
#katyjopowerskating #hockeytraining #coachesofinstagram #lululemon #icehockey #powerskating #bauerhockey #skatingcoach #powerskatingcoach
Having a lethal shot starts from controlling the blades on your skates. Hip to torso to shoulder rotation, blade angle, weight shift and foot placement, coordination and edge control all contribute to developing that perfect wrist shot, snap shot and even slap shot. @cowen_ryan demoing some techniques for wrist shot and snap shot development.
#gpshockey #speed2succeed
#controltheice #powerskating
#playTRUEhockey #TRUEcoach #TRUEambassador #teamTRUE #wristshot #snapshot
improve your skating constantly, the result will come only after a permanent job.✊
#tixonhardhockey #thh
#hockey4kids #hockey #hockeylife #hockeycoach #hockeymom #hockeygame #hockeylifestyle #shallhockey #детскийхоккей #kids_hock #kidshockey #кхл #вхл #мхл #nhl #powerskating #stickhandling #hockeycamp #development #ccm #ccmhockeyrussia #hockeyshot