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#precognition #clairvoyance #empath #premonition #consciousness #science #physics #dreams #intuitive #mindmatter #parapsychology #research #spacetime #synchronicity #cartomancersofinstagram #earthlyrealm #education #empathsofinstagram #heavenlyrealm #intuitivesofinstagram #mindfulness #miracleworking #mundaneworld #playingcardreadersofinstagram #prayerworking #psychology #reality #spiritualinstagram #cartomancy

Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #PRECOGNITION
#precognition #precognitionseries #precognitions #precognitionproyect #precognitiondream #precognitionoflove #precognitionfield #precognitionmuch #precognitionmovie #precognitionproblems #precognitiondreams #precognitionipa #precognitionofthegods #precognitionintuition #precognitionawareness #precognitionismylife #precognitioncrazyiness #precognitions✨as #precognitionbelike #precognitionreview #precognitionstone #precognitionist #precognition_2k19 #precognitionrecognitionignitionremix

Хештеги на тему #PRECOGNITION

#Repost @freedom_faction ・・・ Everyone dreams. We spend a large portion of our lives in a strange realm complete with its own characters, plotlines, conflicts, and broken physics. Yet we still don’t really understand dreams. There are theories, of course. One common explanation is that dreams are nothing more than your short-term memories integrating with your long-term memories. That seems to make sense, but it doesn’t explain why 15 to 30 percent of people say they have experienced #precognitivedreams, dreaming about future events before they happen. That statistic comes courtesy of Dr Julia Mossbridge, a neuroscientist whose work at #NorthwesternUniversity over the last 15 years has led her to conclude that #precognition and precognitive dreams are not only real, but will inevitably become an accepted part of 21st century society. In an article written by Dr Mossbridge for the Daily Mail, she lays out a brief history of her precognition studies and her own personal experiences with precognition. According to Mossbridge, she and a team of researchers at Northwestern University analyzed 26 experiments in future prediction that had been published over the last 32 years that all asked whether it was possible for human physiology to predict the future. According to Dr Mossbridge: The answer, our research concluded, is ‘yes’. When you add all these experiments together, it became clear the human body goes through changes in advance of future important events — alerting our non-conscious minds seconds earlier to what is likely to happen. Divination and future prediction has always been a part of human society. One experiment analyzed tested whether people responded to stressful images before they were shown them. Using a random number generator, participants were shown “emotionally neutral” pictures like flowers and then shown a “stressful picture” of someone pointing a gun at them. The experiment found that participants’ stress signals activated before the random number generator chose to show them the picture of the gun. Mossbridge says she believes this happens because time doesn’t work the way we think it does... More in comments

Хештеги на тему #PRECOGNITION

Mercury retrograde and this crazy weather we've got in Poland, keeps me strongly in irritation and anxiety. I'm trying to avoid any conflicts these days, and also not starting any new projects of my artwork. Of course, I can't just put everything aside, life goes on, so I help myself by caring for my mental health, I meditate a lot with my crystals, I try to keep my mind calm and balanced. I focus a lot of time on reflection and exercises developing my intuition, I also pay special attention to my last dreams, I'm thinking about them, trying to interpret them. What do you guys do to survive this crazy time? Do you have any extraordinary dreams, which can't let you stop thinking about them? Have a peaceful, magical weekend! #mercuryretrograde #mercuryrx #astrology #crystals #crystalshelf #crystalstones #altar #witches #witchessociety #witchesofinstagram #pendulum #witch #quartz #candles #witchhome #witchlife #meditation #peaceofmind #nature #thirdeye #divination #precognition #dreams

Хештеги на тему #PRECOGNITION

Now, let’s make some LSD! ⚗️✨ ⏭⏭ It’s been at least 2 years since we done a good #Fringe theme song cover, so here ya go! Laying it DOWN on the @sequential_llc #Prophet6 + #OB6 as the beat of the twin #TR8 send us into the parallel universe @jjabramsofficial ⬅️⬅️ . . . #Psychokinesis #Teleportation #Nanotechnology #ArtificialIntelligence #Precognition #DarkMatter #Cybernetics #SuspendedAnimation #Transmogrification . #synth #synthesizer #synthstagram #dawless #instamusic #TVTheme #analogsynth #musicproducer #musicproduction

Хештеги на тему #PRECOGNITION

We don’t need no stinkin’ hand trucks. #psychokinesis

Хештеги на тему #PRECOGNITION

..@freedom_faction: "Everyone #dreams. We spend a large portion of our lives in a strange realm complete with its own characters, plotlines, conflicts, and broken physics. Yet we still don’t really understand dreams. There are theories, of course. One common explanation is that dreams are nothing more than your short-term memories integrating with your long-term memories. That seems to make sense, but it doesn’t explain why 15 to 30 percent of people say they have experienced #precognitivedreams, dreaming about future events before they happen. That statistic comes courtesy of Dr Julia Mossbridge, a neuroscientist whose work at #NorthwesternUniversity over the last 15 years has led her to conclude that #precognition and precognitive dreams are not only real, but will inevitably become an accepted part of 21st century society. In an article written by Dr Mossbridge for the Daily Mail, she lays out a brief history of her precognition studies and her own personal experiences with precognition. According to Mossbridge, she and a team of researchers at Northwestern University analyzed 26 experiments in future prediction that had been published over the last 32 years that all asked whether it was possible for human physiology to predict the future. According to Dr Mossbridge: The answer, our research concluded, is ‘yes’. When you add all these experiments together, it became clear the human body goes through changes in advance of future important events — alerting our non-conscious minds seconds earlier to what is likely to happen. Divination and future prediction has always been a part of human society. One experiment analyzed tested whether people responded to stressful images before they were shown them. Using a random number generator, participants were shown “emotionally neutral” pictures like flowers and then shown a “stressful picture” of someone pointing a gun at them. The experiment found that participants’ stress signals activated before the random number generator chose to show them the picture of the gun. Mossbridge says she believes this happens because time doesn’t work the way we think it does... More in comments" (via #InstaRepost

Хештеги на тему #PRECOGNITION

LA ALQUIMIA . DE LOS SUEÑOS... . Hace ya un tiempo que empleo los sueños como una nueva herramienta de trabajo. Tengo un diario "vocal" de sueños. Esto es: como sé que se olvidan fácilmente y que incluso al escribir pueden pasarse por alto los detalles, me acuesto con una grabadora al lado. Así, al despertar, ya sea en medio de la noche o por la mañana, recurro a ella como parte del proceso e intento rememorar no solo las imágenes, sino el transcurso de la historia, las voces y diálogos que he escuchado, así como las sensaciones físicas y emocionales. . Ahora forman parte de mi brújula: me guían a menudo y me explican de un modo simbólico qué es lo que sucede, por qué o para qué e incluso me ofrecen la solución. . Pero, ¿por qué un "DIARIO DE SUEÑOS" . Lo ideal sería que una parte de tu diario la emplearas para DESCRIBIR lo experimentado en tus SUEÑOS y otra para ANOTAR tu MOMENTO vital. Ya sabes: lo que te inquieta, lo que te preocupa, tus deseos o los acontecimientos que se están dando a tu alrededor. Al seguir el rastro y las pistas de esos sueños (durante días, semanas o meses), y en la luz que nos ofrecen esos recursos, ideas o recuerdos ocultos, podemos encontrar o lo que habíamos perdido o los eslabones que sentíamos que nos faltaban. . Los sueños ofrecen orientación concreta y específica. Solo tenemos que aprender a escuchar la información que quieren darnos. . ¿Tú usas algún diario de este tipo? ¿Tienes algún patrón de sueño que se repite? . #sueños #sextosentido #diariodesueños #intuicion #conexion #mensajespositivos #mensajes #orientacion #precognition #dreams #intuition #meditacion #meditation #mindfulness . Ilustración vía @obrazconavi

Хештеги на тему #PRECOGNITION

The world didn't start to make sense until I unlearned everything I was taught about it. The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness. Until now, the prevailing Newtonian mechanistic worldview has dominated Western culture, science and metaphysics for hundreds of years. The idea that we live in an unintelligently designed universe – the idea that out of nowhere, nothing, for no reason spontaneously became everything, has been accepted as scientific gospel. This atheistic, #nihilistic, purely materialistic paradigm presented by believers of Big Bang #evolution, however, cannot explain the multitude of non-physical, non-local findings in quantum mechanics. They cannot explain how #consciousness, intelligence and life supposedly evolved from unconscious, unintelligent, dead matter. They cannot explain why apple seeds grow apple trees and pear seeds grow pear trees, or how arm cells know to be arms and leg cells know to be legs. They cannot explain the holographic universe or morphogenic fields, the placebo effect, psychoneuroimmunology, acupuncture, the aura, chi/prana or remote healing; #telepathy, #psychokinesis, #clairvoyance, #precognition and the entirety of psi science; they cannot explain out-of body or near-death experiences, ghosts, entheogens, the #soul, the spirit world or reincarnation. Source: www.atlanteanconspiracy.com #KnowThyself. These words are among the most powerful ever uttered from any lips, and of eternal significance. No better advice has ever been given to man or woman. When one begins to explore this dictate it leads to profound understandings about all of creation. It makes unhappiness, fear, sadness, doubt, and all the negative emotions meaningless. This Science of ‘as above so below’ is the most #ancient universal system of harmonizing man with his natural surrounds! The stars above and the stars below, i.e. our own bodies. #Mankind is in harmony with Nature only when he realizes that he is the microcosm of the #Universe and a Galaxy unto himself. @righthandpath @lemeruian

Хештеги на тему #PRECOGNITION

Having precognitive dreams Or is it all just coincidenceI’ve had one too many coincidences to just ignore it. #dreamer yet #realistic #singapore #singaporephotoshoot #fantasy #clairvoyant #precognition #singaporephotography #singaporemodel #mbs #creativephotography #singaporephotographer #sgmodel #lamodel #flowerdome #flowers #gardens #sleepingbeauty #beautysleep #asianbabe #nature #green #gardenbythebay #marinabay #beauty #asia #southeastasia @mcvxy

Хештеги на тему #PRECOGNITION

Everyone dreams. We spend a large portion of our lives in a strange realm complete with its own characters, plotlines, conflicts, and broken physics. Yet we still don’t really understand dreams. There are theories, of course. One common explanation is that dreams are nothing more than your short-term memories integrating with your long-term memories. That seems to make sense, but it doesn’t explain why 15 to 30 percent of people say they have experienced #precognitivedreams, dreaming about future events before they happen. That statistic comes courtesy of Dr Julia Mossbridge, a neuroscientist whose work at #NorthwesternUniversity over the last 15 years has led her to conclude that #precognition and precognitive dreams are not only real, but will inevitably become an accepted part of 21st century society. In an article written by Dr Mossbridge for the Daily Mail, she lays out a brief history of her precognition studies and her own personal experiences with precognition. According to Mossbridge, she and a team of researchers at Northwestern University analyzed 26 experiments in future prediction that had been published over the last 32 years that all asked whether it was possible for human physiology to predict the future. According to Dr Mossbridge: The answer, our research concluded, is ‘yes’. When you add all these experiments together, it became clear the human body goes through changes in advance of future important events — alerting our non-conscious minds seconds earlier to what is likely to happen. Divination and future prediction has always been a part of human society. One experiment analyzed tested whether people responded to stressful images before they were shown them. Using a random number generator, participants were shown “emotionally neutral” pictures like flowers and then shown a “stressful picture” of someone pointing a gun at them. The experiment found that participants’ stress signals activated before the random number generator chose to show them the picture of the gun. Mossbridge says she believes this happens because time doesn’t work the way we think it does... More in comments

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