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The mind is usually in a waiting state, it is looking toward the next moment and finds it always more important than this one. In this state of mind we can’t seem to find a deep sense of peace and happiness, because the mind can’t find the present moment pleasant for a very long time before it starts the search for what is missing or something more.
When we are unaware, the mind runs in autopilot, and this sense of unease and the craving to reach somewhere else is enhanced, whether by the fear of being left behind compared to others or simply by being unaware of how the mind is reacting. But it is actually the desperate need to reach a future moment or to fulfill a craving that creates the resistance that makes our journey toward it harder and unpleasant.
The more we become aware of how the mind operates, the more we can consciously choose to be present and to accept the moment as it is instead of waiting for the future to make peace with it. The more we become aware of the wanting to reach for the future and to get more than what is here already, the easier we can cease to blindly react to this pattern. Accepting and appreciating the moment as it is, or the simple act of letting it be without wanting to change it, allows us to be free.
We still have preferences and goals, but we’re no longer moving toward them at the expense of our present happiness. We cease to react to the cravings and the wanting for more that the mind creates and choose to be present. We release the unease and resistance that comes from rejecting the moment as it is or constantly looking for the next one, creating space for a quiet and peaceful mind, and for the happiness that comes with it. As we return to the present moment, and improve our relationship with it, the more we can enjoy our journey, and the more we naturally align ourselves with all that is valuable for our well-being.
NEW MOON ❖ On May 4th, we have a beautiful New Moon in Taurus. View this New Moon as a prosperity blessing- a landscape for dreams to grow. The New Moon in Taurus is a love note to your body. It’s a reminder that you are your home, and so much power lives within. So many of us have housed unwanted memories, intrusive thoughts, doubts, and questions about our worth inside of us. On this New Moon, try to locate a place of peace inside of you. Taurus helps you do this by turning your attention toward your senses. Take some time out from screens + stimulation. Listen to the wisdom of your boundaries. Practice presence through moments of grounding, engaging with, and caring for your physical environment & self
Uranus, freshly re- established in Taurus, is about the evolution of the planet and risking discomfort for the sake of collective growth. Uranus, along with the other outer planets right now, is helping us to break free from the patterns we find ourselves in over & over again. Align with your purpose, and your actions with your truths
Taurus deeply values beauty & pleasure, seeking to embody heaven on Earth. This New Moon is a time to tend the soil and plant the seeds for healing & new beginnings. It’s a commitment to participate in the creation of the world you want to live in. NEW MOON QUESTION: What do you want to see blossom, flourish, and unfold, both within you & beyond? Image words by @orionvanessa
#newmoon #taurus #newmoonintaurus #mooncycles #uranusintaurus #prosperity #presence #abundance #boundaries #protection #power #youareyourhome
#repost #child
#unschooling #radicalunschooling #gentleparenting
#peacefulparenting #mindfulparenting #naturalparenting #awareparenting #attachmentparenting #parenting #parent #parents #dad #mom #unconditionalparenting #consciousparenting #motherhood #fatherhood #watchthemgrow #kids #people #magicofchildhood #never #presence #connection #look #calm
Everything on the outside is a reflection of the inside. The key is noticing how we “relate” to life situations. Many times we will set “rules“ in our mind that we can be “happy“ when certain things turn out to the way we expect. This however, has the potential to cause us to be dependent on those “outer circumstances.” The one thing we always have the ability to “control“ is how we relate to the circumstances. When we try to control everything we take on more than we can chew. The solution to this is to focus more on the “state of being” then anything else. Then we can focus on “allowing” the moment “to be” which will let go of negative resistance in a powerful way. The paradox is that by doing this things naturally happen the way we want anyways. So the key is a balance of being present at the moment, surrendering and knowing that everything may happen even better than the ego imagines. #trusttheprocess much love✌️
Today I took a breathwork class, and one girl in class had a huge release, crying, convulsing, coughing, screaming... I was laying on my back with my eyes closed, but I felt like I was right there with her and started crying too. I was holding my chest and stomach tenderly, soothing the part of myself that is her. Or the part of her that is me.
It was a potent reminder that we’re all connected. We share these emotions. We can support each other.
In that moment, all I wanted to do to that sweet girl I’d never met before was hug her and tell her how much I love her. But also, I wanted to hug and say that to myself. So I did. And then I wrote this note. And I’m sharing it with you because I fucking love you too!