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I want to be like a caterpillar. Eat a lot, sleep for a while, and then wake up beautiful. ✨⠀
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Soft pink jacket from @membersonlyusa! Head on over to their gram if you’re interested! ☺️⠀
Guess what y’all?! I’m going on a roadtrip to California, Sacramento for my brothers soccer tournament! I love traveling and especially a purpose! Stay tuned for lots of content from me and @sophiakozo!! ♥️⠀
Walking into December like..♀️❄️⛄️⠀
GIVEAWAY ENDS TOMORROW! For a chance to win 2 pairs of brand glasses of your choice! The more tags the more chances of winning! More info on my highlight labeled “Giveaways”! ⠀
Happy December first y’all! I’m so excited for the holiday season! Looking forward to snowboarding, family gatherings and lots of Christmas activities! What are you excited for
Topao in action, a bonus preset for you! Tap my stories to view the main presets of my Warm Series! Order form available at 8pm onwards! PS: guys bili na kayo, mura na yan for 6 presets! ❤️ jotform at 8pm on my bio! Love you all!
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