presidentialelection pemudahijrah election pilpres presiden pemilu prabowoforpresident2019 prabowosandi prabowosandiagauno indonesia prabowopresiden aceh bandung emakemak indonesianpresident indovidgram jakarta malang padang surabaya ustadadihidayat ustadzabdulsomad viralindonesia garudapancasila indomusikgram viral prabowosubianto politics jokowimaruf
Bukti tintaku padamu, Indonesia ♥️ Masih ada satu jam lagi sampai pemilu resmi ditutup, mari gunakan hak suara kamu untuk menentukan masa depan bagi kita, bagi Indonesia!
Bismillah hirrohmannirrohim, semoga Indonesia dan masyarakatnya selalu dalam rahmat, berkah dan petunjuk dari Allah SWT —
P.s. si ade nyelup jarinya semangat, si kakak nyelupnya malu-malu si kakak ga butuh promo makanan kali ya
Sebagai perwira angkatan laut, saya tidak akan berpartisipasi dalam pemilihan presiden ini karena peraturan yang menjaga netralitas di dalam militer. Tetapi saya ingin mengundang kalian semua terutama milenial untuk menggunakan hak politik kalian untuk berkontribusi dalam penentuan peluang nasional kita selama 5 tahun ke depan. Sangat penting untuk memiliki kemampuan menganalisa dengan perspektif yang bijaksana sebelum memilih, sehingga kita dapat menerima apa pun hasilnya. Partisipasi kalian sangat berarti. Semoga beruntung Indonesia!
As a navy officer, I will not participate in this presidential election due to a regulation that maintains the neutrality in the military. But I’d like to invite all of you especially millenials to use your political rights to contribute in the determination of our national opportunities for the next 5 years. It’s really important to have an ability to analyze with a wise perspective before choosing, so that we will be able to accept whatever the result is. Your participation distinctly counts. Good luck Indonesia!
We are honoured that Zuzana Caputova, candidate for Slovak president came to vote in a purple-pink coat from #Sarra collection with an ornament from Cataj region. @zuzana_caputova #petratoth #slovakia #presidentialelection
Je to pre nás veľká pocta, že Zuzana Čaputová kandidátka na prezidenta Slovenskej Republiky prišla voliť v fialovo-ružovom kabáte z kolekcie Sarra s ornamentom z oblasti Čataj.
Sanders not Biden!! Like if you agree
#bernie #berniesanders #sanders #berniesanders2020 #democrat #politics #berniesandersforpresident #peopleforbernie #berniesanderssupporters #birdiesanders #stillbernin #feelthebern #notmeus #elections2020 #bernieorbust #bernie2020 #revolution #politicalrevolution #presidentialelection #bernie2020 #democracy #bernienotforsale #bernienotbiden
Did Bernie earned your vote⤵
#bernie #berniesanders #sanders #berniesanders2020 #democrat #politics #berniesandersforpresident #peopleforbernie #berniesanderssupporters #birdiesanders #stillbernin #feelthebern #notmeus #elections2020 #bernieorbust #bernie2020 #revolution #politicalrevolution #presidentialelection #bernie2020 #peopleschoice #politicalrevolution2020 #voting
As a democratic country we are given the opportunity to directly vote for our president. Use your voice because it matters, today will dictate the next five years. Quoting my favorite American president, Abraham Lincoln, “The ballot is stronger than the bullet.” : @pilotthelabel : @seikmura Eyelash: @bunnyeyesid #suaraindonesia #presidentialelection
Are you still with Bernie? ⤵
#bernie #berniesanders #sanders #berniesanders2020 #democrat #politics #berniesandersforpresident #peopleforbernie #berniesanderssupporters #birdiesanders #stillbernin #feelthebern #notmeus #elections2020 #bernieorbust #bernie2020 #revolution #politicalrevolution #presidentialelection #bernie2020 #stillwithhim #politicalrevolution2020
With the @michaeldhiggins2018 campaign nearing the end I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who were involved. I can’t even tell you how much work was put in by so many fantastic people.
It was an absolute honor to do campaign photography. I shall share some of these images later this evening.
I would like to thank @michaeldhiggins2018 for representing our country for the last seven years and hopefully I shall be saying thank you again in seven years time.
Make your vote count tomorrow. .
#michaeldforpresident #apresidentforusall #myfuturemypresident #michaeldhiggins2018 #presidentialelection #imagerybyro
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