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New entering at @farmaciirmaprifti2 !!Everyday baby !
Nje linje qe konsiston me nje game te gjere duke filluar me :
Bibironet Milkhero Treguesit e temperatures te cilet ndryshojne ngjyre kur temperatura e ujit eshte e larte !!
Diell ☀️matesit tregon kohen kur duhet te alpikohet mbrojtes dielli!
Si dhe shume gjera te tjera!!
Ju mirepresim ne FARMACI dhe t’ju prezantojme me shume me kete linje!! #new #entering #new#everyday #baby#the#best#everything #you #need #for #your #baby #farmaci#irma#prifti#2#farmaciirmaprifti2#everyday#baby
and These colors! There’s something about midnight blue, and turquoise and tan, with royal blue. LOVE. And with my last name, seems i must go and experience the Greek islands. It’s in my heart, on my mind...and my grandfather, Michael went to private school in Greece, lived in Albania, before immigrating to the United States in the early 1900s.
by @sophiainzaghi ✨ in #mykonos .
#colorfullife #colors #mediterraneancolors #mediterranean #inspiredlife #liveyourbestlife #lovelife #thehappynow #happiness #finditliveit #stayandwander #yourbestyou #romanticplaces #greece #blues #lovelysquares #prifti