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Do you know this beautiful primula?
It is a Primula Belarina Lively Lilac. Yes the name is really long. But it's really worth having it in your own garden or balcony.
Place them in a cool and damp place during the summer.
Supply draining and rich in organic matter soils.
It loves the shadow very much.
During flowering the primroses emit new leaves that can grow between one flower and another. By compromising the aesthetic appearance of the plant. Do NOT try to tear the leaves because they are firmly attached to the plant and you would end up ruining it.
Conoscete questa bellissima #primula?
E' una Primula Belarina Lively Lilac. Si il nome è veramente lungo. Ma ne vale veramente la pena averla nel proprio giardino o balcone.
Posizioniamole in un luogo fresco ed umido durante l’estate.
Forniamo terreni drenanti e ricchi di sostanza organica.
Ama molto l’ombra.
Durante la fioritura le primule emettono nuove foglie che possono infilarsi tra un fiore e l’altro. Compromettendo non poco l’aspetto estetico della pianta. NON cerchiamo di strappare le foglie perché sono saldamente attaccate alla pianta e finiremmo con il rovinarla.
Orchideenprimel - eine filigran schöne Kombination aus rot und lila. Eine Staude, die bei uns in der feuchtesten Ecke des Gartens steht.
Orchid primrose - a beautiful and delicate combination of red and lilac. A perennial we planted in the wettest corner of our garden.
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De la couleur pour ne pas couler.
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Simplicité d'une fleur de printemps
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No-no, not Spring yet, still freezing... But they did a great job with these #primroses at my gym Ce n’est pas encore le primtemps, toujours « Fous Ta Cagoules » Juste du joli jardinage devant ma gym. #primevères #primevere #primaveras #primula #jardin #jardinauprintemps #calabasas #cityofcalabasas #fleurscolorées #printempsenhiver #fleursdhiver #calabasastennisandswimcenter #mygym #weekendensoleillé #sunnyweekend #haveanicesunday #primeln #sleutelbloem #delente #früling #sonnescheint