programing developer code webdeveloper coding programmer coder softwaredeveloper computer java javascript programming software softwareengineer coderlife linux nodejs technology development mobile programmingmemes python webdesign algorithm android beginning beginningdeveloper datascience hacking debug
day 64. .
It's Monday, last time I decided it would be my day off . I finish my work today. Instead of sitting down for programming, this is the day I rest . I liked playing Hearthstone. A great game for fast gameplay. .
1️⃣ How do you spend your free time? .
2️⃣ One more question, if you like card games, what is your favorite? For kid, I loved playing Magic The Gathering.
Hi there, quick timelapse developing a friend list
This should be an easy design but I am having more troubles than expected. Since I don't want to waist more time I will code the actual design and improve it later. Iteration is the key
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day 65 15 / #100daysofcode .
Exercises are the basis, on the blog I gave 3 very nice sources with many tasks to do. If someone is missing ideas or just wants to train, they are perfect. After the end of the chapter, I often spend even two days practice. They are spread over the levels of advancement. The link is in bio.
Have a fruitful day
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