protectyourrights women womensrights abortionrights abortion humanrights womenempowerment holistic holistichealing holistichealth nohr2527 nomandatoryvaccines parentalrights prochoice repost reproductiverights sb276 vaccinesharm vegan аварийность
Hello health warriors .
In a world where you’re seen as the “weird” one, maybe even a “helicopter mom” (whatever that really means), maybe it’s a label someone gave you, or that you aren’t “living a little” because your eating all the healing plants. ✋ .
Let’s just stop right there. .
High five and hugs all around to all the health warriors reclaiming their health and lives back. For all the mamas, papas, and caretakers going against the grain to raise their children with a loving #plantbased or @medicalmedium lifestyle. Notice I don’t say diet? It’s far from a diet. There are no restrictions. There are no protocols. I find that my children thrive on a high raw plant based diet that’s fueling their growing brains and big hearts! It’s amazing how there’s hardly any whining or temper tantrums (as long as we’re catching a nap for baby ). .
You have a right to be well. .
You have a right to mental peace. .
You have a right to be free if pain. .
You have a right to heal from illness. .
You have a right to prevent illness. .
Knowing how to protect those rights is what this lifestyle is all about. “These are rights you were born with, and even if you didn’t know they were there, they are yours” (Anthony William, Medical Medium).
So let’s all toast. Get your celery juice, your smoothies, or your living water and raise that glass high. I see you. I am with you. I am so proud of you. Thank you for being here and sharing your love and light within this community. .
I love you all
#holisticnurse #nursehealthcoach #healthgrowthhappiness #nurseforplantbaseddiet #nurseforceleryjuice #medicalmedium #medicalmediumlifestyle #lifechangingfoods #healing #fibromyalgiawarrior #healthwarrior #kidshealth #plantbasedkids #plantbasedmom #wfpb #health #riseandshine #community #mmcommunity #protectyourrights #healthylife #healingvibrations
Merry Christmas Eve ⭐️
From Savage, with love ♥️
#smile #savage #savagetexan #riseandgrind #riseandshine #christmastime #christmaseve #travelday #selfie #browneyes #traveldays #christmas #holidays #holidaytime #lovesavage #donttreadonme #molonlabe #comeandtakeit #pro2a #secondamendment #protectyourrights #righttobeararms #shallnotbeinfringed #3percent #3percenter #threepercent #threepercenter
I attended a CAIR (@CAIR_national + @cair_national ) seminar today with my friend, and fellow PWO Ambassador, the wonderful Sarah Syed. This specific dialogue was catered to #MuslimAmericans although anyone who has been prejudiced or subjected to questioning by authorities, would also be advised to “know your rights” as a citizen of the United States. Here Sarah is asking civil rights activist and Texas Lawyer John Floyd questions pertaining to knowing your constitutional rights as a U.S. citizen. Mr. Floyd’s answer remains the same across all areas - per work, school, airport, etc. Listen here to my recorded video to better learn and understand on how to appropriately handle circumstances such as that mentioned in video. ***
If any questions of concern by a Muslim American, I strongly advise to contact CAIR representation in your area, or national team. A team of lawyers are here to protect your rights.
#ProtectYourRights #KnowYourRights #Equality #Peace4all #CAIR #EqualRights #AllWalksOfLife #Peace4ALLhumanity #BeYOU #BeKind #BeTheChange #MinorityRights #UnitedStatesCitizenRights #WeAreONE #SpreadLoveNOTfear
Had an absolute blast shooting for @tacdynamics this past weekend! They are a veteran owned company so you can be sure they are led by the best instructors, extremely interactive, and will give you the knowledge you need in any of these types of scenarios. I’d HIGHLY recommend checking them out if you’re in the Massachusetts or Rhode Island area, they really are top notch.