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Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to re-wire itself. The brain changes according to the input that comes in and even the thoughts we think. This can work for the good or reinforce the bad. Therefore, executing sport specific skills in a controlled setting prior to returning to game intensity and contact will reduce risk of subsequent or re-injury. Our On Ice Concussion Management Strategy addresses these very issues. Coach education presentation under development. onicerehab@gmail.com #31thoughts #thehockeywriters #pulphockeyshow #tsnhockeyinsider #tsnhockey #thehockeyshow #hockeycentralatnoon #thehockeynews #pucksouppodcast #marekvswyshynski #hockeyprotraining #stevedanglepodcast #sportsnet #biscuitshockey
Two things here: 1)strong example for hockey of how it doesn’t always take a hit or cheap shot to result in a concussion 2)was quickly stated that the player was expected back relatively soon. However, as time passed, PCS have surfaced and he remains out. Concussion is going to happen. If as a professional team, governing body, LMHA or other body you feel more can be done for player health and LTPD contact us at onicerehab@gmail.com to discuss the on Ice concussion management strategy. #rickwesthead #pulphockeyshow #thehockeywriters #tsn #sportsnet360 #31thoughts #thehockeynews #sportsmedicinebroadcast #recoverwithpurpose #hockeycanada #usahockey #whl #chl #dancarcillo #group23sportsmedicine #thehockeyshow #ericfrancis #richsutter #kellyhrudey #hockeyprotraining
It’s important to take the right steps to recovery at the right time. For hockey, concussion RTP protocol has a return to sport at stage 3. What does that mean? What does that look like? Is the brain still vulnerable? Symptoms do not align with recovery in many cases. To avoid repeat or subsequent injury, proper management is key. Our on ice Concussion Management Strategy for hockey players addresses these issues. onicerehab@gmail.com
#pulphockeyshow #31thoughts #thehockeywriters #thehockeynews #thehockeynewsmagazine #tsn #hockeycentralatnoon #hockeycanada #usahockey #barbellmedicine #recoverwithpurpose #evidenceinmotion #prohockey
Excerpts from 2017 Berlin Concussion Consensus Statement: ...”need to examine, develop & implement sport specific strategies for diagnosing & managing concussions”...”athletes should follow a graded RTS protocol before returning to unrestricted play”...”public, athlete, parent and coach awareness (at all levels) is an important aspect in initiating (and managing) care.” From a hit like in the video, does it make sense for the player to have a controlled/programmed/designed return to the ice? We think so. onicerehab@gmail.com #hockeycentralatnoon #pulphockey #pulphockeyshow #thehockeywriters #31thoughts #thehockeynews #thehockeynewsmagazine #tsn #tsnhockeyinsider #barbellmedicine #recoverwithpurpose #hockeycanada #evidenceinmotion #concussiondoc #concussion #calgaryflames #chl #rickwesthead #calgaryherald #calgarysun
Happy for this guy - On Ice Rehab client Kyler Newman making CSCHL all rookie team. Badly broken ankle requiring surgery and pins. Full recovery with no subsequent or recurring injury. Great success story for our on ice physical injury rehab process. Thanks Newmie #pulphockeyshow #31thoughts #thehockeywriters #movementismedicine #usahockey #hockeycanada #swissicehockey #finnishicehockey #hockeyalberta #haleywickenheiser #group23sportsmedicine #glensathersportsmedicineclinic #rickwesthead
Canada: 637,000 registered players/100,000 registered coaches.
USA: 562,145 registered players/
56,645 coaches.
Alberta: 16,000 coaches.
LTPD is an important part of all three models without question. Physical injury and concussion education for injured returning players needs to become main stream thinking for coaches. Majority of injuries and player returns happen w/o a health care professional present. Why not educate coaches so there is less effect on LTPD? Our strategies address injuries on ice. Share this post if you agree. onicerehab@gmail.com
#thehockeyshow #nhlnetwork #hockeyalberta #hockeycentral #31thoughts #pulphockeyshow #thehockeywriters #thehockeynews #barbellmedicine #recoverwithpurpose #evidencebasedmovement #evidenceinmotion #rickwesthead #hockeycanada #usahockey #sportsnet #tsn
You have been medically assessed. Concussion symptoms are gone. You are returned to sport. However, unseen gaps can remain and be detrimental to health, performance and development. What about a progressive personalized sport and venue specific recovery strategy? An opportunity we are missing to ensure recovering athletes are doing the right things at the right time. onicerehab@gmail.com #thehockeynews #thehockeywriters #hockeycanada #usahockey #finnishicehockey #swissicehockey #31thoughts #pulphockeyshow #thirdmanin #hockeycentralatnoon #leafslunch1050 #andipetrillo #rickwesthead #theathletic #sportsnet #tsn #calgaryherald #calgarysun #sidseixeiro #timmicallef #ronmaclean #elliottfriedman #jamesduthie
LTPD: a framework to maximize player potential & long term involvement in sport. (right thing at right time, dev as a long term process, focus on complete athlete, align player and coach dev, not all players dev at same speed) Sounds good right? Caveat: you have to be healthy? How do you meet the elements above in an injured player? What’s the right thing at the right time for a player returning to the ice? Injuries happen and there is nothing in LTPD to address return from injury. Frustrating when you have developed a Physician supported strategy for this purpose and people in prominent hockey governance positions (HC/HA) feel the the appropriate professional response to someone asking for a conversation is to not respond at all or to cast aside without gathering details or information. Not a commitment, a conversation. Opportunity to lead is always an option. onicerehab@gmail.com. #hockeycanada #hockeyalberta #bchockey #saskhockey #usahockey #swissicehockey #finnishicehockey #canadianhockeyleague #westernhockeyleague #pulphockeyshow #31thoughts #hockeycentralatnoon #thehockeywriters #thehockeynews #theathletic #sportsnet #rickwesthead #tsn #nwhl #ncaahockey #usports #calgaryherald #calgarysun #sportsnet650
From the Hamilton Spectator: “By their nature, lawsuits settle with the past. They are less concerned with what is to come....A mark of intelligence is the ability to change ones mind or to be open to new ideas.” On Ice Rehab®️ Recovery Strategy is a new approach to injury recovery. An approach designed for athletes, coach education and LTPD. onicerehab@gmail.com #thehockeynews #thehockeywriters #hockeycanada #hockeyalberta #bchockey #hockeybc #saskhockey #hockeygirls #nwhl #jeremeyroenick #31thoughts #pulphockeyshow #hockeycentralatnoon #spittinchiclets #thirdmanin #shiftconcussionmanagement #completeconcussionmanagement #concussionlegacyfoundation #concussiondoc #concussionawareness #nickboynton #johanfranzen #patlafontaine #dancarcillo #westernhockeyleague #canadianhockeyleague