puppetbuilder puppet puppetmaker puppets artist puppeteer puppetbuilding spain puppetry puppetmaking marionette puppeteers puppetlife characterdesign handmade lovemyjob amateur_bnw artgallery artprogress baby blancoynegro bnw_captures bnw_fanatics bnw_globe bnw_life_shots bnw_planet bnwphoto bnwphotography character puppetbuilding
#flashbackfriday Aslan in rehearsals for for the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe in 2015 // This is the unfinished skeleton in rehearsal, being puppeteered by the brilliant Nuno Silva, David Albury and @jamescharltonactor .
#thelionthewitchandthewardrobe @therepbirmingham // Puppet design by myself and Mervyn Millar, for #SignificantObject / Puppet direction Mervyn Millar / Puppet makers @helen.foan @jess1jones Rosie Williams & the Rep welding crew // #puppetdesign #puppetmaking #puppetmaker #designermaker #puppetprogress #puppetinprogress #puppetry #puppet #puppetprocess #puppetdesigner #designer #puppetbuilder #puppetbuilding #patternmaking #patterncutting #plasterzote #plastazote #aslan #lion #lionpuppet #giantpuppet #rehearsal #rehearsalroom #theatre
Käptn Knitterbart und sein wildes Töchterchen.
#puppetry #puppetbuilder #puppetmaker #charakter #creature #mywork #design #puppeteers #puppetbuildling #atelier #nähen #textile #puppet #lovemyjob #gaywork #talentpeople #näharbeit #bird #mystudio #kostüm #monster #schaumstoff #puppetmaker #kindertheater #theater #softsculpture #puppets #puppetshow #puppets #käptn #handmade #vatertochter
Munchkin Monday Another video looking back at the Oz making process // The first munchkin to be assembled getting a mini workout, to find out its basic range of movement and find out any problems before adding any more details // Later in the process we added a loop that allowed the puppeteer’s hand to be used as the puppet’s hand and articulate the arm from the wrist. We carved a false hand for the other arm and limited its movement, so that there weren’t lots of dead, dangly arms flailing around on stage!
#thewizardofoz @therepbirmingham // puppet design @downtothewyer / puppet makers @helen.foan @jess1jones @maiakirkrich @traylwaller // #puppetmaking #puppetmaker #puppetprogress #puppetprogress #designermaker #puppetry #puppet #munchkin #munchkinpuppet #puppetprocess #puppetbuilder #puppetbuilding #fitspo
Kip wants to host the #oscars2019 ! Help him get there by telling @theacademy who you want to see! #oscars #astarisborn #greenbookmovie #marypoppinsreturns #rbg #vicemovie #spikelee #blackkklansman #bohemianrhapsody #isleofdogs @delta #skymileslife #puppeteer #puppetbuilder #puppet #billyjoel #wedidntstartthefire @billyjoel #oscarweekend