pysankyeggs liketheegg pysanky egggang eggsoldiers talkingegg word_record_egg batikegg eggart pysanka ukrainianeastereggs easter eastereggs eggs eastetholidays egglayers ouschteren pascoa pasha paskalya pasqua pasti великден писанка pysankamuseum paasei wegotthis eastertime easteriscoming happyeaster crafthandmade
My new artwork pysanka "Lotos flower" on the chicken egg shell.
Моя нова робота - писанка "Лотос" на курячому яйці.
#ukrainianegg #batik #писанка #писанкарство #pysanka #pysankaegg #tulipflower #kistka #ukrainiantradition #ukrainiantraditions #великдень #pysankyeggs #писанка #писанки #electrickistka #eggart #eggartist#paintedeggs #paintingeggs #easterdecor #easterdecoration #indianstyle #lotos #lotosflower
Ok, here it is! I let the egg rest and completely dry out for several days, hence the wait. I was quite nervous to do this egg, out of my comfort zone and with everyone watching and waiting for the end result. I think it turned it well and it is currently drying in my fume booth after being varnished. I’ll post final post varnish pictures soon! .
#sojeo #pysankybysojeo #pysanky #ostrich #ostrichegg #ostrichpysanka #egg #batik #eggartist #batikeggartist #beeswax #dyes #kistky #kistka #pysankyeggs #novascotianartist #canadaart #canadianart #canadianartist #eggshell #easter #easteregg #decor #heirloom
I meant to share an egg picture yesterday.... So, I'll share one today! It's been a few years since I decorated any eggs... but I had a lot of fun doing it with the kids a couple of years ago. I still have some dyes mixed up. Maybe that would be a fun spring break activity to do with Lua and a friend or two while the boys are out of town..... stay tuned!
Witajcie Kochani takiej szarości jeszcze chyba tutaj nie bylo..... ☺️. #pysanky #artworks #spring #pysankyeggs #art_we_inspire #easterideas #instaeggs#instaeaster ##bohosoul #wzorki #decoration #decorhome #interiordesign #wielkanoc #dekoracje #eggs #estercoming #simpledecor #scandic #mystyle #easterinspiration #instaeaster #pisanki #eastergifts #paproć #womanpassion
Hej! Witam się z Wami po bardzo długiej przerwieChyba już czas powrócić do Was z nową dawką pisanek..... Mam Wam do pokazania dużo nowych wzorów Większość wprawdzie jeszcze nie do końca skończona, bo czekają na końcowe farbowanie w czarnej farbie - tak bo tych będzie najwięcejuprzedzam będzie się działo.... Ale dzisiaj inaczej, zaczynam od kobaltowych... #pisanki #jużczas #moja #robota #homedecor#tradycja #pisanka #handmade #rękodzieło_pl #naturaldecor #inspiration #homedecoraction #takiczas #dodomu #pysankyeggs #pysanky #artworks
Ukrainian souvenir Pysanka. Wax painted goose egg shell.
Aniline dyes, acrylic lacquer.
There are symbols of the Sun, eternity of the Universe.
#ukrainianegg #ukrainiantradition #писанка #писанкарство #pysanka #pysankaegg #workinprogress #kistka #pysankashop #ukrainiantradition #ukrainiantraditions #великдень #pysankyeggs #писанка #писанки #electrickistka #eggart #eggartist #paintedeggs #paintingeggs #пасхальныйдекор #easterdecor #easterdecoration