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It has been my observation for almost 5 weeks while this female ranchu has been in quarantine, that she has not released any eggs like her roommate has regularly. I haven’t thought too much of it as her behavior has been consistent the entire time in my care. Good appetite, very active, balanced and mid swimming. It very suddenly came to my attention on this day last week that she was severely egg bound and without hesitation I turned on my camera and reached into the tank to massage her mid section to see if she would release the eggs with gentle pressure. Which as you can see, she did immediately. Below her vent area she had what looked like a split seam and clear new skin growth that protruded like a grape. I massaged her until eggs no longer spilled out. I waited to post this until now because I wanted to feel confident that my decision in aiding her in expelling eggs did not result in infection or a vent prolapse. While her vent was somewhat inflamed following the video, it resected in a matter of about an hour and to my pleasure, her behavior has not wavered in its splendor. She has passed eggs on her own since and while I intend to check on her more regularly once she goes into the pond in the spring, I don’t anticipate this to be a life long issue. I acted on impulse and have since in the days following, researched the topic of egg binding and remedy more thoroughly for any future trouble i may run into in keeping goldfish. I know now and did know somewhat before, that squeezing fish to release their eggs can result in further complications in many cases. In my experience prior to goldfish I did aid an egg bound betta in this same fashion after first exhausting other options. •
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Very very consistent scale pattern. Nice form. Same price as the blue one. Get a -$40 if purchase both =) #goldfish #goldfishaddiction #ranchu #blackmooregoldfish #blackmoore #goldfishtank #goldfishlover #goldfishkeepers #goldcommunity #goldfishaquarium #goldfishlovers #goldfishkeeper #ranchugoldfish #goldfishworld #goldfishofinstagram #goldfishjunkie #fancygoldfish #goldfishlove
Golfball pearlscale coming soon.
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ON SALE!!! I need space for new ones. Pack of 3 female ranchus. Shipping in US. Please DM for more info.
@goldfishaddiction.com or goldfishlover.com
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