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Happy publication day to #mylovelywife @penguinukbooks! #partner
I was so lucky to recieved this book earlier this year from @penguinrhuk in exchange for my review which you can find in my previous posts! But very shortly said, I absolutely love it and recommend it to everyone!
Check out my stories to see which other amazing books are published today!
What is the best book of 2019 for you so far?
#penguinpublishing #penguinbooks #michaeljosephpublishing #milujemeknihy #ilovebooks #thrillerbook #thrillers #psychologicalthriller #crimefiction #crimebook #bookreview #bookrecommendation #publicationday #readersofig #readthisbook #bookgasm #books #bookflatlay #booksbooksandmorebooks #bookclub #happyreader #suspensebooks
Book stack Monday! Is that a thing? Because it should be. A good book stack always makes any Monday better. This past weekend I went to a library book sale at @pabapl and scored this awesome stack for only $13!! The next sale is in a couple months and I think I’m going to need to go the first day rather than the afternoon of the last day to see what other treasures I can find!! There’s nothing better than a used book sale.
Do you see any favorites in this stack
#bookstack #usedbooks #bookhaul #bethlehempubliclibrary #librarybooksale #bookcommunity #booksofinstagram #booklove #bookstagram #bookaddict #readthisbook #unitedbookstagram
Here is my #diversifivebooks stack for the challenge with @thestackspod. It was a great exercise to think about the diverse books I have read or want to read!
1. A book I loved before I joined Instagram.
Homegoing came to my mind first. I see this book around a lot. I read it for a book club and thought it was a powerful look at how your ancestors stories can impact your life.
2. A book I love by an author of a different ethnicity than me.
Pachinko. It’s one of my all time favorite books. Such a sweeping and beautiful story of a family in Korea and Japan.
3. A diverse book I’m excited to read.
Everyone is talking about A Woman is No Man! And I can’t wait to read it later this month for #readacrossinstagram
4. A book I rarely see on Bookstagram
Valley of the Moon is one of my favorites!! Such a beautiful and unique story. You’ll be seeing this one a little more as we do #thetravelingbookproject with @readingandsunshine
4. A book from a genre I don’t normally read from that I ended up loving.
So I know there are people that don’t love Children of Blood and Bone. But I really enjoy it and I don’t typically like fantasy or magic! .
There’s my diverse 5! What’s yours? Have you read any of these .
#bookstack #diversebooks #diversereads #diversespines #homegoing #awomanisnoman #pachinko #valleyofthemoon #childrenofbloodandbone #bookcommunity #booksofinstagram #bookstagram #readthisbook #booklove #bookcommunity #buddyreads #favoritebooks
Happy Saturday! Here’s my stack for Endo Awareness! Happy to support my friend @christinastephaniereads by sharing a stack in my favorite color. #inmarchwestackyellowforendo .
Hope you all have a great day. Today I’m reading I Want You Back by @loreleijamesauthor for #8intwo with @25infive. And I’ll probably be out and about with my boyfriend who’s finally home. .
#yellowstack #endometriosisawareness #yellow #yellowaesthetic #bookcommunity #fortheloveofreading #idratherbereading #readthisbook #booklove #bookcommunity #bookstack #booksbooksbooks
Βιβλίο : Ο Στόουνερ, John Williams, εκδόσεις Gutenberg
Ρόφημα: Κρύο τσάι Ginseng Guarana
Καφέ: Tabya, Κωνσταντίνου Μελενίκου 14
Δεν ξέρω αν ο Στόουνερ χρειάζεται συστάσεις, δεδομένης της μεγάλης του εκδοτικής επιτυχίας αλλά αν δεν το έχετε διαβάσει ακόμα, καθόλου πιεστικά, σταματήστε ο, τι κάνετε και ξεκινήστε το. Στις σελίδες του θα περιηγηθείτε στη συμβατική ζωή του Στόουνερ , καθηγητή πανεπιστημίου, συζύγου και πατέρα. Μέσα από οικείες εικόνες διαφαίνεται η μοναχικότητα της αταλάντευτης ηθικής στάσης στη ζωή ενός ανθρώπου που επιλέγει να μείνει πιστός στις αξίες του και η τραγικότητα της εμμονής σε έναν αποτυχημένο γάμο. Το συστήνω σε όσους γοητεύονται από την εξιστόρηση καθημερινών στιγμών η οποία εκκολάπτει μία αφάνταστη αναγνωστική εμπειρία.
Το Tabya στεγάζεται σε ένα από τα ομορφότερα διατηρητέα κτήρια της πόλης μας και βρίσκεται σε απόσταση αναπνοής από την πανεπιστημιούπολη Διαθέτει πολλούς χώρους φιλόξενους για διάβασμα και μια ευχάριστη φωτεινή ατμόσφαιρα.
#instavivlio #instabook #bookstagram #booksandtea #bookaddict #lovereading #bookish #bookworm #vivlio #diavazo #diavazontas #gutenberg #johnwilliams #stoner #readthisbook #reading #booksofinstagram #katapliktika_