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The best price!
You are reading it correctly!
Dont pay huge prices for ESSENTIAL oils.
It is a ripp off
ESSENTIAL oils hsve been used for thousands of years..
They are NOT something new ...that has to be produced with complicated process .
ESSENTIAL oils are ...AFFORDABLE..ALWAYS..! All certain companies are doing is selling one rhing.. Oils and gearing their profits around a singular item.
I oersonally believe that high pricing of ESSENTIAL oils is criminal..
They are ESSENTIAL to our wellbeing.. A simple check online will verify what i am saying..ESSENTIAL oils are NOT expensive..
They are simply being marketed like induce market in..price fixing.. Diamonds are not even rare..common as quartz..just privately regulated and released in small amounts priced to create scarcity..
As ESSENTIAL oils are.. The great thing about ESSENTIAL oils isnt controlled by a cartel..just marketing.
Just make sure your Oils.. are NOT a blend..100 percent cold pressed. wild.
And we can drive the price down. .shop around..if sone people are way cheaper with a long track record.
You are being ripped off.. #oils #marketing #bs #essential #affordable #organic #realpricing #paleo #vegan #same #100percent #gym #yoga #glutenfree #sugarfree #dairyfree