redcross param sanit cruzroja roteskreuz voluntariado yosoyvoluntario capacitaci cruzrojainternacional cruzrojamexicana desastre emergencia estoescruzroja hechoencruzroja hoytocacruzroja hoytocaguardia medialunaroja mividaessalvarvidas orgullosamentevoluntario rescate rescateurbano rescatista socorrista socorros urgencia voluntario yoelijoayudar croixrouge firstaid красныйкрест
Cyclone Idai has affected more than 1.85 million people in #Mozambique.
Prevention is key to helping stop further spread of #cholera and other diseases in the country.
The Portuguese Red Cross has deployed a field clinic. Part of their work is also educating communities about how they can protect themselves from diseases.
#mozambique #cycloneidai #cyclone #Communities #redcross #redcrossers #ifrc #estamosjuntos #CruzVermelha #cruzvermelhaportuguesa #moçambique #moçambique
Entrerà in funzione per la prima volta alla #Stramilano2019 la nuova centrale operativa mobile #CRIMilano. Un mezzo all'avanguardia che grazie a dei partner esterni è stato dotato di tre postazioni con apparati radio, computer e sistemi per il monitoraggio delle operazioni di assistenza in caso di grandi eventi ed emergenze. #CroceRossa #UnItaliaCheAiuta #redcross #cruzroja #croixrouge #GiovaniCRI #umanità #photooftheday #ambulatorio #ambulanza #ospedale #protezionecivile #emergenza #centraleoperativa
Grandma Ana is 94 years old, and one of the most beloved characters in the community of Mirador de la Lagunita, #Venezuela. Spoiled by everyone, she only lets Idanic and Marylin, two volunteers of the Venezuelan Red Cross to heal her when needed #ThanksVolunteers La abuelita Ana tiene 94 años y es uno de los personajes más queridos de la comunidad de Mirador de la Lagunita en Venezuela. Consentida por todos, solo deja que Idanic y Marylin, dos voluntarias de la @CruzRojaVe, la curen cuando lo necesita #GraciasVoluntarios ——————
#RedCross #CruzRoja #Voluntariado #SoyCruzRoja #Abuelita
با ارفاق ميشه گفت جمع همه كاربران ميل-١٧ در ايران، تو اين عكس جمع شده! به ترتيب از انتها:
هوانيروز سپاه پاسداران
شركت هليكوپتري نويد (با ليوري اختصاصي خود شركت)
جمعيت هلال احمر (كه اپراتورش همون شركت هليكوپتري نويد هستش)
يادمه يكي از خلبانان زبده امداد هوايي، هميشه وقتي صحبتي ازين بالگرد و قياس اون با بالگردهاي امريكايي ميشد، ميگفت: "ميل هليكوپتر نيست كه...!.
ميل فرشتس!"
Mil Mi-171E Hip, Iran - Red Crescent Society
#navid_helicopter #mil #milmi17 #milmi171 #milmi171e #mil_mi17 #mi17 #mi171 #mi171e #mil17 #mil171 #redcrescent #airrescue #air_rescue #airrescueteam #kermanshah #oicc #mil171 #mil #mil17 #mil8 #mil171sh #russianaviation #airrescue #iranianredcrescent #redcresent #redcross
#takeoff #helicopter #helicoptertakeoff
Balled out last night
Had a fun time getting fancy for the annual #redcrossball with @robert_lib
Also shoutout to @bluewatersparaleigh for getting my skin ball ready last week with a microneedling facial!! I will keep you guys posted on my results!
#redcross #charityball #ball #blacktie #blacktieevent #styleinspo #womensclothing #ballgown #fashionista #fashionpic #fashioninstagram #ootdfashion #ootd #chicstyle
Bmw X3 II serie
Croce Rossa Italiana
Comitato Provinciale di Bolzano
Allestita Ambulanz Mobile
CRI 577 AE
#crocerossa #cri #118 #112 #ambulanza #automedica #ambulance #ambulancia #ambulansee #rettung #soccorso #emergenza #redcross #fiammeblu #emergencylive #soccorsispeciali#bmw #ambulanzmobile #bolzano #bozen