rememberwwii wwii armyveterans usarmy veterans wwiihistory history warhistory ww2history 2nddivision luftwaffe menofthe2ndinfantrydivision usarmyveteran wehrmacht 2ndinfantrydivision berlim follow germannavy likeforlike london italy mighty8thmuseum usarmyveterans veteranfamily benitomussolini mighty8thed osdiasnasegundaguerramundial menofthe2ndinfantrydivision
Memory of the past.
#holidays #windandsun #bretagne #latorche #borddemer #plage #blockhaus #rememberwwii #seaphotography #explorebretagne #destinationbretagne #igersbretagnetourisme #instabretagne #bestofbretagne #bnw_2019 #bnwgrammers #bnw #bw_lover #noiretblanc #bnw_photography #blacknwhite #igersbnw #bnw_photography #igersbnw #instablackandwhite #bnwgreatshots #raw_bnw #bw_mania #paris_bnw_gallery #fadetoblackpeek #silhouest
“In 1942, the United States government ordered more than 110,000 men, women, and children to leave their homes and detained them in remote, military-style camps. Manzanar War Relocation Center was one of ten camps where Japanese American citizens and resident Japanese aliens were interned during World War II - Manzanar has been identified as the best preserved of these camps.” #rememberwwii #deathvalleywarcamp #internmentcamp #neverforget #freedomforsome
How do you get entire nations to go along with killing millions of their own citizens? Make a club for only one type of person and call the rest "others" (then blame them for all your problems) "In the Nazi regime, the Volk community was defined equally by the inclusion of 'species-characteristic' members and the exclusion, through sharply drawn boundaries, of 'enemies of the people,' 'aliens to the community,' and 'racial opponents.' The regime's policy of exclusion was directed primarily against Jews. Anti-semitic policies assume the central place in the National Socialist project of a Volk community." -Michale Wildt, Historian, 2008
#groupthink #dontlethatespeechestakepurcontryaway #weareallothers #thinkaboutit #beaccountable #bewareofpeopleblamingaliens #seealiensdoexist #dontbeanazi #nazi #thetopographyofterror #thesimilartiesarestriking #caution #wemaybeonverythinice #rememberWWII #itwasgoingonwellbeforewebecameinvolved
This is the Hyaku-Shaku Kannon: a statue of the Goddess of Mercy that's carved straight into the side of Mt. Nokogiri, It's about 100ft tall (or about 30 meters). This picture doesn't even come close to doing it justice, I couldn't help but just stand there in awe at the sheer size and workmanship that went into this carving. It was carved into the jagged rocks that were once used as a quarry in the Edo period of Japan (1603-1868) after WWII in remembrance of the fallen soldiers. .
#chibajapan #chiba #hyakushakukannon #hundredshakukannon #mountnokogiri #buddhainjapan #goddessofmercy #japanesecarving #japanesestatue #rememberwwii #chibaphotography #japanphotography #solotravel #solojapantrip #neverstopexploring #hikejapan #hikechiba #aweinspiring #tokyocreativetravel
Dated 1936 ammo can/ gunners tool kit.
#mg34 #30thdivisionwehrmacht #wwii #heer #wehrmacht #soldat #reenacting #wwiireenacting #ww2 #livinghistory #germanreenacting #germanwwii #germanarmy #tactical #germanhistory #reenactingww2 #ammo#germangunner # #heerwwii #soldaten #rememberwwii #livinghistory #nerd #airsoft #wwiireenactor #germanreenactor
JUST SAY IT - AMBIGUITY ISNT WORKING #impeachnow @impeach.worldwide #EuropeanUnion #G72018 #TrumpisaBully #bullieshurtpeople #bullies #bulliesaredangerous #Trumpisdangerous #trumpisbadforamerica #electionday2018 America #trumpster #USCongress #FailedtoServe #notadressrehearsal #internationalrelations #RememberWWII #WWII