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The new behive door knobs have been delivered today and super happy with them.
Found these on @ebay_uk had a shop around beforehand and they all seemed exactly the same to me except some companies are simply selling them for a lot more, and door knobs are not something I want to be spending a fortune on ♀️
Went for black and antique brass. The rim locks are to replace the original brass ones that were in all of the upstairs rooms, the quality is really good so can’t wait to see these on now. So excited to start buying stuff and even though it’s small it’s made me very happy!
#propertyrenovation #periodproperty #renovation #renolife #victorianhome #victorianhouse #victorianstyle #beehivedoorknobs #rimlock
It’s all about the accessories!
Have a fabulous weekend, friends!
#noplacelikehomef4f #insta_neighborly #in217saturday #vintagedoor #farmhousedoor #colormefarmhouse #instaneighborly #chippywhite #chippy #chippypaint #whiteinteriors #neutraldecor #rusticfarmhousedecor #glassknobs #vintageknobs #frenchcountrystyle #homeandgardenig #chippydoor #rimlock
Super excited for this 2 bolt rim lock @homesteadtables just gave me. Unfortunately the main bolt is long gone and the latch bolt is frozen open and the spring is broken. But it’s still a good example of a rim lock. .
#rimlock #lock #barn #doorlock #antique #barnfind #rustygold #forged #locksmith
I’ve been really busy this week and only just got around to lock stuff. I’m working on shaping up the large rim lock key bit. It’s not much... but it’s something. .
#greasyluckforge #nh #newhampshire #newengland #locksmith #blacksmith #whitesmith #maker #handmade #handforged #lock #rimlock #key #clé #workingprogress #traditional #craft #apprenticeship #nhcouncilonthearts
We've had to replace all the internal doors and hardware so glad we found these rim locks & knobs from @broughtonsofleicester these are part of their own brand, really good quality and affordable without compromising on style. We've got black and brass features in every room of the house so these fit in perfectly with what we're doing. Plus we can shut the doors now.
#renovationproject #renovation #restoration #remodel #periodhome #periodfeatures #victorianhome #victorianrenovation #blackandgold #brasshardware #diy #terracehouse #londonhome #londonrenovation #reproduction #darkinteriors #hardware #doorknob #rimlock #bargain