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#romanesque #architecture #church #medieval #cathedral #romanico #gothic #italy #romanesquearchitecture #romanesqueart #romanesquechurch #medievalworld #roman #spain #baroque #medievalarchitecture #total_medieval #arteromanico #beautiful #catalonia #travelphotography #amigosdelromanico #amorporelromanico #art_romanic #artemedieval #chiesa #history #iglesia #italia

Хештеги которые включают в себя хештег #ROMANESQUE
#romanesquechurch #romanesquerevival #romanesquecapital #romanesquesculpture #romanesque #romanesquehall #romanesquemonastery #romanesquestyle #romanesqueart #romanesquechurchmonasteryinitaly #romanesquestylewindows #romanesquetympanum #romanesquechurchandmonasteryinitaly #romanesquecathedral #romanesquemonasteryandchurchinfrance #romanesqueundergroundcrypto #romanesquechurchandmonasteryinfrance #romanesquearchitecture #romanesquerevivalarchitecture #romanesquetours #romanesque_and_early_middle_ag #romanesquegothic #romanesquecauliflower #romanesquechurches #romanesquehallbudapest

Хештеги на тему #ROMANESQUE

Det er fint når man kan kombinere jobb og fornøyelser et par dager i vakre Trondheim Koselig å ha tid til å være sammen med sønnen også før han setter kursen mot studier i Barcelona . #nidarosdomen #cathedral #romanesque #gothic #medieval #churchesofnorway #trondheim #visittrondheim #businessandpleasure #passion_4_living_photos #joyful_pics #lory_norway #norgeimitthjerte #signatureshots_hub #bestcaptureglobal #raw_norway #got_greatshots #look_norway# #europa_fiabesca #through_the_travel_lens #visitnorway #norway2day #lookforbeautyineverydaymoments

Хештеги на тему #ROMANESQUE

@glupakh ・・・ Back home ... Poitiers, France • • • #Poitiers #notredamelagrande #church #eglise #sun #soleil #ville_de_poitiers #amoipoitiers #grandpoitiers #vivreapoitiers #avouspoitiers #patrimoine #huaweipic #huaweishot #nouvelleaquitaine #vienne86 #paysdufuturoscope #architecture #artroman #romanesque #igers_poitiers #igersfrance #photodujour #picoftheday #topphotopoitiers #tourismefrance #france_focus_on #bns_france d_great #toptravel #beautiflplaces

Хештеги на тему #ROMANESQUE

This was the building that stood out to me the most from the pictures of Scranton. It stands at the entrance to town and nearby Steamtown. It was the Electric Engine that built Scranton and this, the 1891 Central Railroad of New Jersey Freight Station is a striking remnant of that time. It is a rare example of a freight station actually being more architecturally interesting than the passenger terminal. It was closed in 1972 and has remained unused since that time. #deserve2preserve

Хештеги на тему #ROMANESQUE

Ex voto replicas of ships saved at sea hang everywhere from the vaults of the Romano-Byzantine basilica “Notre Dame de la Garde” in Marseille. People of Marseille consider her the guardian of their city and call her “La Bonne Mère” (The Good Mother) . . . #romanesque #church #basilica #architecture #amateurphotography #naturephotography #notredamedelagarde #sonya6000 #sonyimages #visitfrance #france #marseille #wanderlust #travel #europe #photograph #religion #labonnemere #interior #instagram #amateurphotographer #nationalgeographic #photos #travel

Хештеги на тему #ROMANESQUE

Estela con relieve cruciforme en San Pedro de Ruijas, Valderredible. #cantabria #cantabriaromanica #cantabriapatrimonio #cantabriarural #cantabriaturismo #arte #romanico #medieval #iglesia #colegiata #dios #cristianismo #arquitectura #escultura #escapadasrurales #pueblosconencanto #church #art #history #christianity #architecture #sculpture #romanesque #visitspain #igreja #kirche #kyrka #церковь #教会 #كنيسة

Хештеги на тему #ROMANESQUE

Panteón. Guadalajara. Siglo XIX. Mandado construir por la duquesa de sevillano, es una obra ecléctica donde podemos observar influencias del Románico, Mudéjar y del estilo Bizantino. Su falta de valor histórico se compensa con su belleza. Es uno de los iconos de la ciudad sin ninguna duda. #photography #colour #i #love #art #photo #Guadalajara #Castilla #Spain #alcarria #beautiful #romanesque #mudejar #bizantino #instagram #century #xix #19th #panteondeguadalajara

Хештеги на тему #ROMANESQUE

M'encanten les imatges romàniques. De moltes d'elles desconec el significat simbòlic, però admiro el caràcter popular dels seus motius i , en general, la ingenuïtat de la seva factura. No em digueu que no és entendridor el tosc relleu de Sant Miquel enfrontant-se a un monstre, que m'he trobat en el timpà de la portada de l'església de San Miguel de Cornezuelo (Burgos). * * * #sanmigueldecornezuelo#valledemanzanedo#merindades#lasmerindades#destinomerindades#burgos#cyl#cylesvida#turismoburgosgos#porta#portada#portalada#door#esglesia#iglesia#church#heritage#patrimoni#romanic#romanico#romanesque#romanesqueart#monument#medievalart#timpa#tympanum#timpano#stonecarving#iconography

Хештеги на тему #ROMANESQUE

Winchester Cathedral, Hampshire, England⁣ ⁣ Some of the Saxon kings who are reputed to be buried here are Cynegils,⁣ Cynewulf, King Egbert, King Ethelwulf, King Canute, King Alfred the Great, and⁣ his son Edward the Elder and King Edred the grandson of King Alfred. As well as⁣ Queen Emma, the daughter of Richard I, Duke of Normandy and wife to King⁣ Ethedred and King Cnut.⁣ ⁣ #medievaltravels #Medievale #medievalhistory⁣ #middleages #Medievalworld #total_medieval #Medievalarchitecture #Medievalstyle⁣ #travelhistory #travellovers #iloveeurope #oldarchitecture #oldbuildings⁣ #placestovisit #gothicarchitecture #beautifularchitecture⁣ #travelingthroughtheworld #gothicarchitecture #heritagearchitecture⁣ #historicalplaces #historicbuildings #historicalbuilding #historicalbuildings⁣ #historicalsite #historicarchitecture #historicalmonument #historicplaces⁣ #historicsite #romanesque #winchestercathedral

Хештеги на тему #ROMANESQUE

Winchester Cathedral, Hampshire, England⁣ ⁣ #medievaltravels #Medievale #medievalhistory⁣ #middleages #Medievalworld #total_medieval #Medievalarchitecture #Medievalstyle⁣ #travelhistory #travellovers #iloveeurope #oldarchitecture #oldbuildings⁣ #placestovisit #gothicarchitecture #beautifularchitecture⁣ #travelingthroughtheworld #gothicarchitecture #heritagearchitecture⁣ #historicalplaces #historicbuildings #historicalbuilding #historicalbuildings⁣ #historicalsite #historicarchitecture #historicalmonument #historicplaces⁣ #historicsite #romanesque #winchestercathedral

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