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or write a simple paragraph, or do anything related to school bc they’re overworking us and my brain is broken
follow me @sixdrinksamy_ for more!
#hitchcock #peraltiago #andrebraugher #bninenine #andysamberg #captainraymondholt #brooklyn99 #amysantiago #jake #peralta #b99 #theoffice #normscully #michaelhitchcock #nbcbrooklyn #comedy #brooklynninenineedit #rayholt #jakeandamy #fandom #ginalinetti #peraltiagoedit #dirkblocker #edits #cast #parksandrec #rosadiaz #jakeperalta
@joelotruglio @melissafumero @thelonelyisland @terrycrews @chelsanity @stephaniebeatriz @nbcbrooklyn99
This is so sad and so amazing at the same time
tags: #brooklyn99 #brooklynninenine #b99 #jakeperalta #comedy #andysamberg #funny #amysantiago #rosadiaz #ginalinetti #thegoodplace #eleanorshellstrop #tahanialjamil #jasonmendoza #badjanet #tumblr #instagram #fandom #multifandom #brooklyn99fandom #tgp #chidianagonye #kristenbell #williamjacksonharper #jameelajamil