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Another delicious must try cocktail: The Rosseau Lemonade
georgian bay vodka, fresh lemon juice, rosemary syrup, effervescence - garnished with fresh lemon and rosemary. #windermerehouse #whr #muskokaresort #lakeview #cocktails #lakerosseau #rosseaugrill #windermerepubandpatio #lakeview #lakerosseau
• Windermere Cosmo •
Sobieski vodka, cassis, fresh lime & cranberry juice. This cocktail is calling your name Canada Day weekend #windermerehouse #whr #verandah #lakerosseau #rosseaugrill #windermerepubandpatio #lakeview #cocktail #canadaday #muskoka #muskokaresort #canadadayinmuskoka #geztravels #canadaday2018
Meet our in-house Sushi Chef Joanne You. Joanne brings traditional Japanese culture to life through traditional mouthwatering sushi creations. Start your long weekend off by boating on by for some delicious sushi on our Verandah #windermerehouse #whr #rosseaugrill #sushi #muskoka #muskokaresort #muskokasushi #lakeview #verandah #lakerosseau #muskokalongweekend
Dining indoors has never looked and tasted so good. Rosseau Grill overlooks the beautiful Lake Rosseau creating a fabulous view for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Come see for yourself! #windermerehouse #whr #rosseaugrill #lakerosseau #lakeview #lakeside #lakesidedining #muskoka #muskokaresort #muskokadining