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We are beyond the current techniques... Closed & Atraumatic Technique.
#drsüleymantaş #drsuleymantas #nosejob #nosesurgery
#rhinoplasty #rhinoplastyistanbul
#closedrhinoplasty #closedatraumatictechnique #nasenkorrektur #revisionrhinoplasty #rhinoplastybeforeandafter #nosejobbeforeandafter #rhinoplastyspecialist #septorhinoplasty #nosejobistanbul #taşklinik #süleymantaş #suleymantas #addressofthenaturalbeauty #rinoplastia #rinoplasti #rynoplasty #rhynoplasty #drtas #drtaş #plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #cirugiaplastica #rinoplastica #ринопластика
Here is the video of the last post
Before and just 2 months after...
Closed & Atraumatic Technique✌ #drsüleymantaş #drsuleymantas #nosejob #nosesurgery
#rhinoplasty #rhinoplastyistanbul
#closedrhinoplasty #closedatraumatictechnique #nasenkorrektur #revisionrhinoplasty #rhinoplastybeforeandafter #nosejobbeforeandafter #rhinoplastyspecialist #septorhinoplasty #nosejobistanbul #taşklinik #süleymantaş #suleymantas #addressofthenaturalbeauty #rinoplastia #rinoplasti #rynoplasty #rhynoplasty #drtas #drtaş #plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #cirugiaplastica #rinoplastica #ринопластика
Our daily TAŞ® picture and video are from Dear Şeyma. It has been 4 months after the operation. Closed & Atraumatic Technique . Address of the Natural Beauty®. #drsüleymantaş #drsuleymantas #nosejob #nosesurgery
#rhinoplasty #rhinoplastyistanbul
#closedrhinoplasty #closedatraumatictechnique #nasenkorrektur #revisionrhinoplasty #rhinoplastybeforeandafter #nosejobbeforeandafter #rhinoplastyspecialist #septorhinoplasty #nosejobistanbul #taşklinik #süleymantaş #suleymantas #addressofthenaturalbeauty #rinoplastia #rinoplasti #rynoplasty #rhynoplasty #drtas #drtaş #plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #cirugiaplastica #rinoplastica #ринопластика
We work hard, play Closed&Atraumatic! It is a long journey; however seeing this smile on your patient’s face worths everything, it is a perfect moment like spring after a dark winter. We shared our knowledge and will keep to share. Follow me and my publications and meet with innovative techniques which always find the best solution for you.
#drsüleymantaş #drsuleymantas #nosejob #nosesurgery
#rhinoplasty #rhinoplastyistanbul
#closedrhinoplasty #closedatraumatictechnique #nasenkorrektur #revisionrhinoplasty #rhinoplastybeforeandafter #nosejobbeforeandafter #rhinoplastyspecialist #septorhinoplasty #nosejobistanbul #taşklinik #süleymantaş #suleymantas #addressofthenaturalbeauty #rinoplastia #rinoplasti #rynoplasty #rhynoplasty #drtas #drtaş #plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #cirugiaplastica #rinoplastica #ринопластика
I usually prefer closed technique for rhinoplasty. Since I am highly skilled to use endoscopic instruments, there is no limitation for me to do this job with closed technique. However, if the nose needs to be opened, I don’t hesitate to do it. Atraumatic is a surgical term and means respecting to the tissues at the highest level with protection of the functions.
#drsüleymantaş #drsuleymantas #nosejob #nosesurgery
#rhinoplasty #rhinoplastyistanbul
#closedrhinoplasty #closedatraumatictechnique #nasenkorrektur #revisionrhinoplasty #rhinoplastybeforeandafter #nosejobbeforeandafter #rhinoplastyspecialist #septorhinoplasty #nosejobistanbul #taşklinik #süleymantaş #suleymantas #addressofthenaturalbeauty #rinoplastia #rinoplasti #rynoplasty #rhynoplasty #drtas #drtaş #plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #cirugiaplastica #rinoplastica #ринопластика
Our daily TAŞ®️Picture is from Dear Esra. It has been 2 years after closed rhinoplasty. I appreciate to my lovely patient for her approval to share these pictures with you. Address of the Natural Beauty®️. #drsüleymantaş #drsuleymantas #nosejob #nosesurgery
#rhinoplasty #rhinoplastyistanbul
#closedrhinoplasty #closedatraumatictechnique #nasenkorrektur #revisionrhinoplasty #rhinoplastybeforeandafter #nosejobbeforeandafter #rhinoplastyspecialist #septorhinoplasty #nosejobistanbul #taşklinik #süleymantaş #suleymantas #addressofthenaturalbeauty #rinoplastia #rinoplasti #rynoplasty #rhynoplasty #drtas #drtaş #plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #cirugiaplastica #rinoplastica #ринопластика
Hola Bonito día y #felizfindesemana - quiero darles a conocer más casos reales, este es un caso que muchas personas creen no tener mejoría - Se denomina #rinofima o rosácea fimatosa (Engrosamiento de la nariz). Las características son engrosamiento de la piel, módulos de superficie irregular y aumento de tamaño, en ovaciones presenta vasos sanguíneos superficiales visibles- puede afectar a ambos sexos y se podría generar en todas las edades.
Se realizó una #rinoplastia en primera instancia donde se retira el tejido sobrante en la nariz .
Acompañada de una #blefaroplastia superior e inferior (cirugía de párpados) donde se retira la piel sobrante del párpado superior y se retira el tejido adiposo (bolsitas de grasa) de párpado inferior y posteriormente piel sobrante.- En este caso luego de un tiempo prudencial y muy buena evolución se realizó un segundo tiempo para mejorar ciertos detalles - fue algo de ⏱tiempo quirúrgico muy corto y de muy rápida recuperación!!! (Nota: no en todos los casos se realiza un segundo tiempo)
Que tal!!!!!
Recuerden que seguimos #cambiandovidas con #genterealresultadosnaturales #rynoplasty #cambiospositivos #calico #calicolombia #cirugia #cirugiafacial #parpados - - Que cambio!!!!
Our daily TAŞ® picture and video are from Dear Merve. It has been 1 year after the operation. Closed & Atraumatic Technique . Address of the Natural Beauty®. #drsüleymantaş #drsuleymantas #nosejob #nosesurgery
#rhinoplasty #rhinoplastyistanbul
#closedrhinoplasty #closedatraumatictechnique #nasenkorrektur #revisionrhinoplasty #rhinoplastybeforeandafter #nosejobbeforeandafter #rhinoplastyspecialist #septorhinoplasty #nosejobistanbul #taşklinik #süleymantaş #suleymantas #addressofthenaturalbeauty #rinoplastia #rinoplasti #rynoplasty #rhynoplasty #drtas #drtaş #plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #cirugiaplastica #rinoplastica #ринопластика
Our beloved patient from , Elif, had operated on last week. Today we removed the cast and let her go to her country. Thanks her for the sharing confirmation. Closed & Atraumatic Technique. #drsüleymantaş #drsuleymantas #nosejob #nosesurgery
#rhinoplasty #rhinoplastyistanbul
#closedrhinoplasty #closedatraumatictechnique #nasenkorrektur #revisionrhinoplasty #rhinoplastybeforeandafter #nosejobbeforeandafter #rhinoplastyspecialist #septorhinoplasty #nosejobistanbul #taşklinik #süleymantaş #suleymantas #addressofthenaturalbeauty #rinoplastia #rinoplasti #rynoplasty #rhynoplasty #drtas #drtaş #plasticsurgery #plasticsurgeon #cirugiaplastica #rinoplastica #ринопластика