Sneak peek pt.2⭐️ quality photos coming after the show this Friday!
Time to get these clown eggs ready for the #saicartsale next month
#clowneggs #needlefelting #friedegg #eggbrooch #fiberart #clowncore #saic #etsyartist #artinprogress #capretteshop #goatpierrot #felting #woolbrooch
내가 제일 사랑하는 동기들! 나보다 먼저 전시장 와주고 ㅠㅠ
항상 함께해줘서 고마워!
Summer But Mostly Indoors
Oil on panel
18 x 24 inches
#legs #socks #mismatchedsocks #contemporaryoilpainting #contemporaryart #chicagoartists #oilonpanel #gamblin #saic #saicptdw #clowncore #artistsofinsta
With Jen and Evlyn! So grateful to have amazing artists in my painting studio together. .
작업할때 밥먹으면서 하라구 맨날 혼내면서 챙겨주는 언니........같은 동생들 ㅋㅋㅋ