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Para o Albatroz... Ele me deixou com sonhos devastados e páginas queimadas. #YıkılmışHayaller
Can •°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•°•
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Can Yaman Lovers Brasil ❤️❤️❤️
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#earlybird #pasareamatinala
The new fragman is here guys
Adding translation in a moment
English Translation
S: In my opinion, the most handsome member of the group is Can. I think he has an unbelievable attractiveness. One wants to look at nonstop. I look,he looks, we look at each other. It’s like something in my head falls away as long as he looks at me.
E: I fell in love.
M: Nihat! Get up, come!
N: We need evidence Mevkibe, what’s really important is that Leyla sees it.
C: I can’t do anything as long as I am not certain that Yigit burned it.
E: Isn’t there a camera or something in the hut?
C: I want to check the records about an incident that happened a year ago. They didn’t get deleted? Okay
By ayca
A new start #41
I just want this dream of Sanem's to become true this time...we need this scene in reality.. We need
He waiting outside her house
Calling her stretching his arm like an albatross.. She goes as if walking on the morning breeze..he says the exact word. Her smile a hug...a kiss on her dimple and then he will say lets go..where? Does it really matter? No it never mattered never will matter when you two are together madly and deeply in love. .
The happiness hidden in this moment
The love in this moment
The photographer and his fav model
Sanem is smiling..Can bey did your heart skipped a beat?
Did love knocked once again?
Oops sorry love was always der... Coz some things are forever ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
After an super exhausting day when you come online and see this ..who said am tired? They took it away. .
A new start #41
Somethings never change
Specially the way they look at each other
One year changed many things
But nothing between them
The way he looks at her as his everything
The way she turns into a teenager in her presence ...
Those stealing glances ...
The episode gonna be super awesome
Yessss it's ERKENCIKUS DAY AND WE ARE sooooooooooooooooooo excited after many days
A new start #40
Demet's Thank Video.(this vdo was shot yesterday)
She said hello to everyone
She is very happy that she got the best actress award..She thanked each and everyone who voted for her and supported her..she apologized that she couldn't attend as they were busy shooting...
Congratulations @1demetozdemir
And they met after one year...
He is changed
She is changed
He took her name
She shivered
He touched she Real?
She said Why are you here?
A new canem with the old love in their heart
The phoenix and albatross .