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**Ghana Post Break***
My Thanksgiving post was going to look and sound completely different honestly. I’m ashamed to say it but until yesterday morning I was unaware of the murder stories associated with the origins of Thanksgiving. Once I understood the amount of blood surrounding this day I wondered if I should post anything at all.
I decided to make space for my ignorance and give it some thought. As a result, I spent most of today crying, mourning, and re-educating myself on the tragedy. I wept for my great-grandmother Lilly as the possibilities of her daily hardships settled in. She was an indigenous woman from the Sapony Nation in Albermarle County, Virginia. Grandma Lily also owned a large amount of land in Albermarle County where she and her husband, Poppa Nelson would breed horses. (Third Picture)
Being an African descendant my indigenous identity is constantly overlooked. I’m forced to look for a “home” in my own backyard. My family came before Columbus on both sides (Dr. Ivan von Sertima) yet I'm forced to fight for divine humanity on all sides. Why isn’t the Mali Empire celebrated for discovering the Americas in 1311? Why aren’t Kankou Moussa or Abubakari II household names? How is it that after 10,000 years of occupying Virginia certain Sapony bands are just now receiving federal recognition in 2018
I’m honestly growing more and more weary from America’s hatred towards me and my ancestry. It’s beyond disgusting at this point. I don’t think there’s enough Palo Santo and sage in the world to cleanse America of all the blood and bones it's got hiding underneath its rug. We all see you, America. Our ancestors are talking loud and clear this time around.