scalemodelsworld scalemodel scalemodels scalemodelling plasticmodel scalemodeling plasticmodels modelkit hobby modelismo modelism scale miniature plastickit diorama tamiya modelkits modellbau plasticmodelkit instagram modelmaking tank military revell scalemodelkit scalemodeller disney model airscaler
Panzer IV - Academy au 1/35 de Yan #scalemodels #scalemodeling #scalemodelling #scaletruck #scaletrucks #scalemodelsworld #scalemodelkit #scalemodelcar #scalemodelcars #scaleart #scalemodelaircraft #braillescale #smallscale #72scale #48scale #144scale #scale #paris #parisfrance #parisart #artparis #plasticmodel #plasticmodels #plasticmodelkit
タミヤ 1/35 ドイツ自走榴弾砲 ヴェスペ "イタリア戦線"
TAMIYA 1/35 German self-propelled howitzer Wespe "ITALIAN FRONT"
#scalemodelling #scalemodels
#scalemodel #scalemodelsworld #plasticmodels #plamodel #afv #tanks #tank #tamiya #germany #wespe #ww2 #italy #modeling #airbrush #oilpainting #weathering #weatheringmodels
In progress: Kitty Hawk AH-6 Little Bird in 1:35 scale with navy seal sniper. One more figure to go and a sandy base then it’s finaly finished.
#modelismo #plasticmodel #modelkit #modelkits #modelairplanes #florymodels #modelaircraft, #modelaircrafts #plasticmodelism #plasticairplane #skalefreaks #scalemodel #scalemodeling #scalemodelkit #scalemodelsworld #ah6 #usarmy
Выкладываю фотографии советского танка - обьект 279 для более детального восприятия работы
I spread photos of the Soviet tank - object 279 for a more detailed perception of work
#bigboy #scalemodel #scalemodels #modelrailroad #trainpics #ngauge #trainmodel #nscale #modelrailways #architecturemodel #toshtown #modeltrains #hoscaletrains #trainphotos #144scale #instatrains #n_scale #train_nerds #zscale #scalemodel #nerdalert #鉄道模型 #nゲージ #modellismo #miniatur #modelbuilding #steamtrain #scalemodeling #scalemodelsworld #modelscale #uprr
The Queen Mary 2 of Cunard Line has been since 2004 the largest ocean liner ever built. She is also the ship that is featured the most times in our exhibition! She might have been made in France but she is, by any means, "Very British". Since this is our motto for this year's Long Night of the Museums Hamburg ( @lndmhh ), it was clear she should be part of the event. Here is were Stephen Payne ( @navalarch2 ) plays a crucial role: he is the naval architect that designed the QM2! He is also - lucky us! - a dear friend of the museum. He has recently offered to give a live Q&A session via video-chat with our visitors. On the night of May the 18th, starting 11 pm (CET), we will connect with him from the KDM-Lounge on deck 7 of the museum. It is surely going to be as fun as it will be instructive!
This 1:350 scale yard model of the QM2 was a generous present made by Cunard Line to our foundation before the museum opened. It has since been displayed on deck 6.