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Seal change!
A common question we get is how long will the seal last? The minimum you should get is a year. If you don’t use your lifter very often and/or you take care of it really well we have some customers going on 5 seasons with the original seal.
Here are a couple tips to prolong the life of your seal: ⬇️
1. Don’t drag your seal on surfaces. Lift and place.
2. When the pad isn’t in use, store it on a flat surface.
3. When the pad isn’t in use, store it in a moisture free environment.
If you need to replace your seal, just give us a call, tell us what pads need to be replaced, we’ll cut up some replacement seals, and get them sent out to you
#MQuip #SealReplacement #VacuumPad #VacuumLifter #ArchbackMini #Upkeep #Landscape #Landscaping #Hardscape #Hardscaping