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Security lighting
Outdoor lighting adds beauty and dimension to a home. Lighting is also an integral part of an effective home security system. Outdoor security lighting discourages would-be intruders from targeting your home by increasing the risk of being caught. The best lighting design allows physical detection and facial recognition, minimizes hiding spots, and increases your sense of safety.
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I wonder how many businesses or even houses do not have the proper security to protect and prosecute from bad guys credit @monitoring_systems_it
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El nuevo sistema de seguridad de camiones "transparentes" de Samsung, #SafetyTruck podría evitar muchos accidentes! #tecnologia #tecno #tecnology #tecnologie #samsung #seguridad #security #securitysystems #securitylife #securitycameras #securityservices #avances #seguridadvial #dgt #camaras #camiones #camion #camioneros #adelantamientos #carretera #road #conductores #driver #concept #conceptcar #prototype #design #futuro #futuritycar
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It can be tough to provide security in big, industrial spaces, like multi-level parking lots, warehouses, and large company campuses. But Turing Video's new security robot , the Nimbo, is designed to do just that - on its own, or with the help of a human being .
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The nimble Nimbo looks a lot like a Segway. And in fact, it can be ridden like a Segway, traveling up to 11 miles an hour . But the Nimbo can also patrol a beat on its own. The Nimbo studies an area and watches out for any "anomalies" or unusual behavior. If it sees a human breaking a rule, the robot will rush over and either shine a bright light or emit a loud alarm . The Nimbo can fit into tight spaces but can also travel across big industrial lots as needed.
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Would you feel safe with the Nimbo watching out for you? Let us know your thoughts.
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